Well this one
isnt belated for as you can see I haven't opened these packages yet. The postman rang a few times with these gifts from blogger friends and a friend from high school and a friend from Cape Cod. Wow. Of course, I thought of
Katie Jane and the 71 packages per day she is hauling around in her job as postwoman. Later today, I will have a fun time exploring what's inside.!!!

A few days ago I received this package from
Mary, a friend from Cape Cod. Four of her beautiful ceramic tree decorations each tucked in their own bag. And a beautiful card made from one of her watercolors. Oh Mary, I am not decorating much this year, but I will hang these in my window to evoke a Christmas spirit. Thank you, my dear.

The day before she left for South Africa,
Soulbrush mailed me the painting she made of Mom's red heart.
Soulbrush said that as she was painting it her brother called and asked her to come and visit.
Soulbrush remembered that luckily I gave Mom
the red heart necklace for her December 8
th birthday early, just days before she died on December 2. Inspired, she said YES to the long, but I imagine greatly rewarding, trip to South Africa. Thank you
Soulbrush. Your painting will inspire me also to say YES to life and its offerings.
Karen at
beelieve also painted a flying red heart in memory of Mom. I know Mom is now an angel, her heart full of love and song. This sweet collage sits on my desk, to remind me to sing and fly. Thank you Karen.

Karen also sent this incredible card handmade in the Philippines. Those are real flowers on there. Can you imagine the time it must take to make a card so delicate and perfect. I used to make cards out of pressed flowers too, but much larger flowers. I
dont think I could ever glue down such teen flowers without making a big mess. Thank you Karen for this unusual and beautiful card.
Lynn made this post card for a group she is in. She dedicated it to me and my Mom. I am so touched, inspired and downright elated that Mom's and my story has touched so many people and evoked so much wonderful creativity.
Mim drew this sweet picture for Mom and I too. I named the farm Dragonfly Pond Farm, thus this delicate dragonfly with three little gift baskets on her
tail. I think kitties and I and maybe even Mom are riding in the baskets. What do you think? Thank you
My heart is full of joy and sadness, both, this Christmas season. A season that is a bit hard this year considering the two family deaths: my sister-in-law in August and Mom in December. But my spirit is nourished by all these beautiful gifts and thoughts and words and comments and emails. If I have overlooked
someone's posting about Mom, do forgive me. I think it is part of the grieving process that my brain cannot take in a lot of details and my memory is not as perky as I think it once was (though I could be deluded about that. :))
To see other gifts for Mom and me, some the same, some different click here.And I am hoping that I put my bid in in time for a visit from E and E, the sheep from Devon. I am
already thinking up some special north country fun things to do just in case they have time to come here before returning to England. Now they are visiting
Cris and Annie in Oregon.
WOW.. Thats a lot of love in those packages and cards. Arent you glad you joined that October Drawing a day month two years ago? One never knows where things lead too. Remember you have people out here who care about you.
I have been told that the Miss's E&E will be stopping off to see you and Blaze before heading home. So be prepared. You will probably have to see them off home to England Tuesday. They are having a wonderful time with Annie. It will be hard to say goodbye but they take off tomorrow to Kims. If they go to Mim's they will probably be your way on Sunday or Monday. Hope you enjoy them as well as we have been enjoying them. :)
Part of the Christmas sppppirit is knowing and feeling you are loved and appreciated.
Know all these nice gestures must have helped.
I can understand that you are not in the mood to celebrate as always.
Love Mary´s ornaments and the artwork others ent you are great!
love >M<
Hello, thank you for your comment. Yes, warm, it has been, it so makes a difference. We are lucky with a lovely view and it faces east.
I'm so glad you've had all the wonderful gifts,cards and words. I'm sure they make you feel abit better.
Peace and love
Change of plans Suki, Guess the Girls are leaving Kim and heading your way Friday and they will go to Mims after you. just in case she isnt home they will be closer to an airport to fly home. so tell Blaze to expect them a little earlier. :))
You must have been a VERY good girl this year Suki,,,,just look at all these wonderful gifts!
And deserving of them you are!
They are all so beautifully crafted,,,and love filled. I know they must warm you on the inside.
Thanks for sharing them with us,,,
I'm glad your friends all rallied in your time of need Suki. I'm glad we could brighten an otherwise sad time for you.
I will gently remind you of the beautiful poem written about your mom by human being, as I just happened upon it today myself. So warm and lovingly written. You might want to add it to this posting.
I like the way BlogLand has brought us all together in this community and spirit of love and caring for and about each other.
I feel it every day I sign in. ;-)
More hugs to you.
And you WILL love those sheep, E & E, are just delightful guests! WE had such fun with them here in Califoria. Enjoy!
And wishing you a gentle mellow quiet holiday season.
Your friends are indeed the most wonderful Christmas gift!!! Each one is so thoughtful and generous.
Suki, this is so sweet, all the precious things you got and sure lots of love is heading your way! I know that you are not a person who specially adheres to Christian religion and it's rites, but I always found that Christmas is a special, very emotionally loaded period of time, so it must be tough to live this now without your mom and SIL. Therefore I'm glad that you are a "bloggeuse" (the French say that) and that you are surrounded by all of your blogfriends here emotionally.
I loved your ice storm pictures so much:)
what wonderful gifts and ways to remember mom.i have told everyone here about your mom's red heart and the part it played in my life. and they have all agreed, do not put things off,it may be too late!'
Cris, yes I feel well tended to with all these showers of gifts and cards. And I received a few more today and opened those in the boxes so will have more to show tomorrow. OK I think I am prepared to received the two E's on Fri or Sat.
Thanks Marianne. I received your lovely mandala today and will post about it tomorrow.
Jude, these special treasures do make me feel a part of the larger world. Esp important as i have only one real friend up here in the north and she lives about an hour away and has a lot of illness herself.
Thanks for you second note Cris. I think I've got it straight now and I am at this moment about to make up their little sheep beds. This will be such a fun break for me.
True Babs. They do warm me from the inside.
Lynn, thanks for the gentle reminder although I did a previous thank you post and in that post I wrote out HB's poem and told how I read it at the burial. Or maybe that was just the burial post not sure but I did acknowledge it previously. It was a lovely verbal gift. I also quoted andrea's quote but didnt show the miss doodle picture but gave the link to it. (as Andrea either forgot to respond to my ? re can I put it on my blog or something...) And there were a few other acknowledgements such as the bouquet my friend S. sent me.
Thanks for those hugs and I expect to get all the west coast gossip from E and E when they come!
Suki, what lovely memories you have received dedicated to your mother. You touch so many people with your generosity and love. I, for one, look to have my Suki fix each day...does that sound as though I am addicted to you? I think I am!
Now those sheep are headed my way tomorrow. We will see what we might get into here in DC before heading up to the North Country to help keep you warm! :)
Just such a WONDERFUL thing, it get parcels in the post!! :-)
Sending you still MUCH love over the passing of your Mother, if no actually parcels.
Your photos are exquisite and make me feel very festive and seasonal, thank you!! They always make me want to come visit asap!!
Can't wait to see what E&E get up to whilst over from Dartmoor - watch out for those Devon sheep, they are whiley creatures, stubborn and used to getting their own way...as well as being very cute.
As you know I am an absolute expert on Devon born sheep :-)
Hugs and Love and festive greetings
Oh Kim thank you so much for your kind words and your reading of my blog. Have fun with the E and E sheep from Devon. Those gals are really getting around.
Hello Lizzi, do you think E and E will fill me in on the Devon gossip??? I imagine we will have fun. Im used to folks who are stubborn and used to getting their own way. thanks for the loving thoughts re: Mom. Blessings, suki
Nice to see you are raking in the love this year. It is wonderful, the kindness of friends, isn't it. Hope you are thawing out and doing all right.
How sweet it was of your friend so send such lovely, hearfelt and symbolic gifts! I know they made you smile, because I am smiling way over here at Willow Manor!
Hope the ice has melted and you are cozy and warm tonight.
How wonderful Suki, all the love and gifts coming your way. I has to help a little. This will be a hard Christmas for you, but made a little less so by all your great friends.
suki, what a heartwarming and affirming post this is. all these loving gifts to you. you must be a wonderful friend.
Katie Jane, it kindness of friends. This I will always remember. When Mom's death anniversary arives, I will remember her with sadness but I will also remember this beautiful outpouring of heart felt love from friends.
Willow, yes, I am smiling too.
Annie, all these beautiful acknowledgements, such a surprise and so warming to my heart.
kj, it is truly healing to have ones sorrow acknowledged. namaste, to all.
I just wanted to come back and see the first batch of gifts. Just glorious, Suki, glorious.
thanks for coming back San. I do feel blessed. So quiet here without mom. So isolated. I think i am meant to have this time to grow the seeds of my next adventure.
Wow! I have so much catching up to do in here. (smile)
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