"What is the feeling when you're driving away from people,
and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing?
it's the too huge world vaulting us, but we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies."

Human Being wrote this poem which I read at the burial.
Mother, you will shine forever
My abode is naught but an empty nest,
Her sun set and her soul chose to rest.
She left...
Not abruptly
But deliberately and watchfully
Bestowing her warmth
--her love--
To those whom she shone upon a lifetime
Making sure they will remain
Green and joyous
In the night of her absence.
It's cold and dark now
Yet I know
You will rise tomorrow
On my canvas...in my art
To shine and warm
My world and my heart.
Andrea in Paris posted a Miss Doodle painting and these words from Andrea's advent calendar.
"You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow and grief from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair."
And many many others sent beautiful prayers and thoughts in the comments sections of my posts about Mom. Or in emails. Many said they would think of Mom at ten on Friday. The burial went fine, just myself and my brother and the funeral director were there. The graveyard didn't seem so desolate that day. I bought an evergreen wreath to place on top of the grave site as it will not be planted with grass until spring. Now we will choose a tombstone, also to wait until the ground thaws in the spring.
Again I thank you all for your lovely words and thoughts and your response to Mom's death. I hold every one of you dear. Love, Suki
Alot of people love you my dear - isn't it amazing what this medium can do to bring us closer together?
Nice to know so many people care. Lovely things people did. and HB's poem was so perfect. Thanks for sharing all this. We have missed you.
Suki, It's nice to have you back , and yes, thanks for sharing this with us and I love the little candle you light for your mom and dad.
Take care, be well, love
Suki, Not a day went by that I didn't think about you and hope your heart was and is on the mend. You received so many treasures that will help you through this winter. Take care of yourself, rest, good food and whatever else you need... massage, music to see you through these next days.
I too am moved by all the out pouring of love that flowed your way...it flowed because you first sent out your love through your art and words to us all. I have your doll picture hanging in my bedroom along with my "ark/cupboard" collage that you made and they remind me of one Suki Poet/artist, wonderful artist wanderer, seeker, woman... We shared the year with you with your care taking your mother, the not so easy and the lovely parts too...it touched us all, which is evident in the circle of beauty that came your way before and after your mom's passing. May it continue to warm your heart and make the grieving a little easier on you dear friend.
Sending on going hugs...
Suki, this is a lovely post. I couldn't get through it without a tear, but that is me. You have touched so many people around the world and it is lovely to see you too are being touched by so many in return. I can see you in my mind's eye lighting the candle, kissing your fingers and touching the photo.
I have missed you, but kept you close in my heart over the last week.
Sending you my love, too. Glad to see you back. I know you just need some quiet time. All these lovely things from all the caring people out here. Take care, Suki.
Suki, you are loved and so is your Mother. I was so touched when I saw your friend's posts. Just beautiful.
I hope you are doing okay.
Suki, I have missed you, but know you needed some time.You have many lovely friends who hold you in their hearts. You and your mom have been much in my thoughts this
weekend. Bless you Suki.XOXO
what a lovely poem that is. great to see you back, suki.
this post says it all, our love for you and your mom. i am flying off today for 12 days to see my bro, with the image of a 'red heart' in my own heart, as it symbolises giving and joining with others and making the most of the time we have. lotsa love and hugs and thinking of you in this quiet time of yours.
Aren't people wonderful, caring creatures?
I think of you every day and hope you're ok and not lonely.
Keep in contact and tell us how you are, we really do care about you.
yes Suki, these are the manifestations of the love you shared with your mom... with us... with the world... making the world a better place...
peace be upon your mother and father...
My heart has overflowed with prayers for you. Losing your mom after gaining such closeness . . . sorrow and joy all in one sip. I'm so glad you have opened your heart and shared so freely. You have inspired me in ways you will never know. Blessings and peace to you this day and the hope for more to come tomorrow. : )
Thank you for such kind words on my blog. I am touched . . . so touched.
My son died on May 26th in the height of Spring-to-Summer beauty, but somehow when the Christmas decor comes out and with it my memories of his smiling joyful face in front of the tree . . . well, it just becomes hard all over again. I miss him every day, but rejoice he has crossed over to glory and perfection. Bittersweet, to be sure, but I so savor the sweet.
What a beautiful post Suki. The love just eminates from the photos and the words.
I stopped by to let you know I posted an angel on my blog for those like yourself who've had a sadness lately.
That poem by Human Being is amazing. And so, so true.
Be well.
I am happy so many people have been thinking of you in your difficult moments.
Lovely post Suki!
Good to see you back again.
Big warm hug!
That poem is beautiful. The bond we have in this world is so unique and the support here proves it. This is one of the most loving posts I have ever seen.
Dearest Suki:
As you know, I've been off an on in the blogworld lately ... I was so saddened to read today that your mother passed away. Please accept my condolences, my prayers and my love ... it sounds like you have loads of support and love embracing you, holding you close and keeping you near ... and keeping your mother near too. There really are no words for a time like this. Our mothers are our mothers ... and she will always live on in you, in your artwork, in your pictures, in both your good nights and your sleepless nights too. I'm glad to hear that your celebration of her life was so special ... and even more heartened to hear how your last year together was so very special and brought new learnings to you, about her. Thank you for sharing your story -- it reminds me that life always offers us everlasting surprises ... ones that we should be grateful. Peace be with you dear Suki.
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