The sounds I hear this morning are drip, drip, drip as more ice melts.

The sun shining through the iced branches makes everything so beautiful.

A touch of color in the monochrome landscape.

What lies beneath.

Shimmering branches. Many are still without electricity, heat and water. For more fantastic storm photos see
M. Heart's blog.
You poor thing, no electric! It looks amazing yet I can imagine that life is hard at the same time. Take care and keep warm if you can.
Beautiful pictures...Brrr. Cold and snowy here too.
Suki, these are terrific! Thanks so much for sharing this beauty with us! But it must be less fun to sit without warmth and light to read when electricity is gone!
I hope you are back to normal by now!
Wow. More dazzling winter images.
We have more snow falling today and a fire's going in the woodstove.
magic beautiful incredible ice...the snow for me its a sacre thing...I live near the sea and when There is the snow, I am a child, thanks!
PS: Suki I wanted to be one of your Followers but there's no "button" which says: follow? :)
How can I do that? I know I already have a feedblitz subscription for your blog, do you think that's why I can't "get" into the Followers?
Andrea who wants to be a follower of Suki, sniff :(......:)
Ice so beautiful and so distructive at the same time. You captured some magic there.
I got an email from the tasha tudor camp in Vermont that they were without electricity and it may be be some time before they get theirs back on. They are having to tavel far to mail packages people are buying as gifts. That isnt to far from you is it? Thank goodness they got yours on when the did.
these are beautiful suki, i love that little hole you found in the ice that shows the grass underneath. thanks for linking to me, i have more ice photos than i know what to do with ; )
I went bike riding yesterday on a rail trail which was covered with fallen trees. It was a workout, but dopey me....didn't bring my camera. And I always bring it.
Your pictures certainly show the depth of the whole situation
Suki, Your photos are so beautiful as well as M. Hearts...some of the tree lined road shots are exquisite! I'm such a crybaby...our highs are forties and lows mid-thirties...raining.
That is one great thing about a snow/ice storm-the after effects seem to make up for the damage.
Hope life gets back to normal soon.
OH, these are fantastic fantasy fotos!
The third one down really grabbed my attention! Little spot of color,,,,so perfect!
We're very cold here,,,,but no ice yet, though we always get our share.Hope you're staying toasty warm,,,I think of how many layers you must be wearing, as I am the same!
Wow this present from Nature sure is beautiful! But still I prefer sunshine.......
One feels humble when Nature shows its power.
take care
One of my fondest memories is the sound of water droplets from melting icicles in the trees at Crater Lake OR. A wonderful blue sky, March day...bad for skiing but wonderful to me. Your photos are crackley and crisp, and nice to look at without being cold.
totally awesome photographs Suki.
Prize winners all!!!!
Suki these are amazing photographs. That ice is thick! Isn't ice fabulous when you can stay safe and watch it play with the light? It is like a fine choreographed dance, isn't it?
I am so glad you still have electricity and are hopefully getting back to normal there.
Keep taking photos!
Jude, the electricity returned Saturday night. I am soooo happy.
Annie, these pictures represent a rare opportunity as such ice only comes once in awhile.
Andrea, thanks, yes we are back to normal, whatever that might be!!!
San, I know it gets cold in NM too. I was there one April and was hot one day and freezing the next. A fire sure sounds nice.
gufobardo, welcome. Snow is magical for sure. My preference though is the ocean. Still, I think I see an ice fairy out there beckoning me.
Andrea, you have to sign me up and follow me from your blogger dashboard. You must type in my URL and click a couple things and then you will be one of my followers.
Cris that is interesting about theTasha Tudor place. It is about an hour and a half from my home. But this ice storm effected a wide area: upstate New York, Southern Vermont and New Hampshire, upstate Massachusetts and even Maine I believe.
m. heart. You could put them in an album and link to the album on yr blog. I have thought of doing this too however just have no time at the moment. Love your photos.
Mim, I heard on the radio this morning that today was a dangerous day for falling tree limbs as it was to be windy and the wind might bring down loosened branches. Glad you were safe on the trail. I have often thought i should have two cameras, one in my car (or on my bike in yr case) in case i forget to bring the one from home.
Blue Sky Dreaming. M. Heart is an excellent photographer plus she has a more super duper camera than I do plus she figured out how to present her photos in an extra large format. I'd love 40's. But hey, today was FIFTY!!!
Hi Teri. I guess things are more or less back to normal at least weather wise. Still, I feel a tad overwhelmed still from Mom and the estate settlement and so forth all in the few weeks before Christmas which I am basically doing nothing much for.
Babs, come October I get out my long underwear layer, on top of which I wear a turtleneck, a little wool vest, and then on top of that a sweater or sweatshirt. And that's for inside the house. LOL. Stay warm yourself. I think you said youre going to Dallas for Xmas. Guess they'll be warmer there.
Marianne, Nature is both beautiful and fierce and her power is humbling. I prefer warm too as you know but then there are hurricanes and tsunamis and so forth to contend with at times.
Teri, that's a great memory. A sound memory, so interesting. It is nice to look at cold photos while one is in a warm clime and vice versa.
Lynn thanks. I esp love the iced apples.
Kim thanks for your reflections on my photos. I always feel so good reading such reflections. Did you see Katie Jane's glass heart in M. Heart's photo??on her blog?? Awesome.
Isn't it amazing that things can LIVE through this kind of freeze? Wonder where the birds go when they can't perch on branches? It looks like an Ice Palace.
Katie Jane, I feels so sorry for the birds the turkeys and the deer. Tonight we are to have rain which may help melt the rest of the ice as it is a bit warmer now than then.
hello ~ i have never visited here ...your images are so magical and pure...
Dear Suki, again, the most amazing photo's, I love especially the one, "a touch of colour in the monochrome landscape" - this is like an abstract painting! You are painting with your camera, in fact! There is something very special about living in the countryside, your eyes see so much beauty in nature.
Glad you are warm and have water now!!
Elk, thanks for stopping by. I have seen yr name on M. Heart's comments. Welcome. And thank you for your comments on my photos.
Dianne, there is something special about living here when seen through the camera lense or when I have that as a purpose--to take pictures. I love it except in the winter but the winter is so beautiful of course. Thank you re: painting with my camera. I like that. Yes, so good to be warm. I am blessed and thankful for heat and light and running water.
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