Just wanted to update you all. I am here on the Cape. Today will see the bank sale house and ponder the fact that it has to have a new 6 foot tall above ground concrete septic tank in the middle of the back yard and whether that is something I could live with. Pretty ugly thing really.
Tomorrow I see the other house on the pond/conservation area which is still available. I drove by it on my way here, and although it is very very small and a tad pricey I adore the tangled vines and scrub of the conservation woods, there is a pond out front but you cant really see it for all the vines which cannot, due to laws, be cut down but you can see the pond from the corner of the lot.
Very cold and windy here.
The picture Juan sent was of my brother not the devastation. But he did say today in an email that communications were difficult.
Glad to hear you got there ok.
hmm delimas. Can that septic tank be camouflaged somehow? Maybe the pond on the other place can be your Secret garden pond. :) Can you offer less for the other house? Lots of options. Hope one of them work out for you. Keep us posted.
oh suki, i wish i were on the cape. i miss it.
you can landscape around that septic tank. but i hope you choose the place that calls to you most.
and if you move to the cape, i hope you won't mind meeting me for lunch one of these days, if not before. :)
I wish I was there too. I need to see a beach soon! I vote for the pond house, but you are the one who has to live with it. Is it as cute as it looks? Stay calm, and relax. Trust your gut.Don't think too much.
Suki -(aka "Pippi").. first of all, congrats to making it to the Cape and seeing your realtor!
Go for that smaller (but pricier) dream house! It's just money - life is short....go where your heart is....
And....as KJ says, if you select the "bank house" - the septic tank CAN be landscaped to cover it up.
Hugs - and courage!
Glad your brother and Juan are ok... it will be years before life in Chile is back to some semblance of normalcy...it may take your bother a bit longer to make it home - but he will.
♥ Robin (from San Francisco)
p.s. my word verification is: WINGSOF! Use those wings and fly to your new home!
I'm with Cris, perhaps the septic tank eyesore could be used as leverage. Sounds neat otherwise. Safety and progress on this trip.
yes i agree, don't even think of having a septic tank to look at, well that would not be my choice.
whew as long as your bro is alive and well, that's all that counts. and i used to adore pippi longstocking when i was young.
I like to think of those septic things as Mayan pyramid bases, just think of all the interesting things you can put around the base? pictures of sacrificial virgins and all that.
Have fun, and good luck
Hope it all works out, Suki!
Enjoy your time there,,,,,
ha, I love Mim's idea of you decorating the septic tank, but I'm pulling for the other house. There's comfort in knowing no one can build next door.
What matters is how YOU feel about them. I'm glad you're there though. Perhaps if our weather was a tad nicer with a hint of spring, you'd get a better feel for each place.
Wishing you the best!
So glad your brother is okay. I know he's probably anxious to get home, but still, he made it through the worst quake in history. Wow, imagine.
Your words and spirit seem lighter...hope this will be a good trip for you. Interesting...a 6' thing...remember vines grow on anything! The other house holds your interest as well with the pond and such. Enjoy your friends ... mixing fun with house hunting!
Oh decisions, decisions!!!!
Good luck with working through these choices.
I see the septic tank with long pink and blue and white and yellow streamers hanging down as a May Pole and you dancing around it...
I see you digging in the vines, photographing the creek in the snow and sun and yellow spring flowers dancing over it all.
Like I said, wishing you well in your decision making!
Glad to hear your brother's okay.
I'm sure there are all kinds of creative ways to disguise a six foot septic tank...take it as an artistic challenge...
I was thinking the same thing as Cris...cannot the septic tank be hidden? My mom always hides things like that with trellis. Then she trains some clematis or other pretty climbing flowers up it. I like Annie's advice to trust your gut and not think too much.
Suki, I am glad you are in the place which calls your heart so much! Just having that energy around you will help with your decision making, I am thinking. It sounds as though you have two wonderful opportunities and possibly you can so something really fun with that tank, if that is the place you choose (landscaping, sculpture, etc).
As I said before, things will unfold perfectly!
maybe you can paint a mural on that septic tank. make a list of both places -- the pros and cons-- see which has better pros
I saw Susan today; she looks lovely. Just a hunch, but I think tommorow (Friday) she'll buy the house in Pocasset, surrounded by conservation land...
hey suki/pippi/susan - tracked you down to see what's happening on your house hunt. Am voting for the house with the pond/land....but will be thrilled with whatever choice you make. Hope you'll post on 'refresh' and let us know!
p.s. relieved and glad your brother is ok
I know something you don't know...
Old Pajamas, I HOPE you mean she bought a house. The little pond house???
Uh Oh, telling tales out of school. I'll wait to hear it from the horses mouth as they say. Or did in the day!
Fingers crossed.
Oh...now I have to get a beret for my cat, too! I love it!
I have friends who "disguised" the back of their garage, at the end of their narrow garden, to look like a cottage. They put up old wood siding, a fake window, trellises and a front "porch".
It was so real looking that they got into Baltimores Nicest Gardens book!
Some kind of magic might masquerade that septic tank,too?
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