Lovely to see the color. I want to thank you all for your concern about my brother. I received another photo from Juan of my brother in the grocery store buying veggies. The devastation is all in an area north of where he is. But there is still the question (in my mind, anyway) of whether he will be able to fly out in time to make the last leg of his trip.
Aren't amaryllis the most cheerful flowers during winter??... Glad to hear your brother is ok. I hope he makes it home safe and sound.
I'm saying a little prayer for your brother, Suki. Keep us posted. xx
So glad he was not in the heart of the earthquake area! So glad.
Do hope his travels will continue to go smoothly.
Love your new banner.
Love these bright and pretty. Bet they cheer you up in the middle of all your snow.
Your brother is having quite an adventure...I'm glad he is safe.
beautiful flowers, glad your brother is okay and i love the pippi longstocking picture ;-)
Glad your bro is ok!
Remember amaryllis pictures from you from last year as well!
They are just ;lovel;y!
have to get one. Thanks for reminding me!
Take care stay warm!
Happy to hear your brother is okay.
Gorgeous amaryllis!
Love your header too, neat image.
Beautiful flowers. I hope all goes well with your Brother and his way home. Did that other photo show more devestation there?
I heard somewhere there was a tsunami too. I think it hit today. Have you heard that?
I'm sure your brother is fine and making plans to wing his way back to the safety of snow and ice!
try not to be on pins and needles.
I'm glad Juan is emailing you!
Deep breaths Suki ;)
I love Pippi! Made me laugh.
Good luck on this trip. Will you be seeing that cute house?
Travel safe. xoxo
oh god how i love that header, is that an ex sculpture? wowsers. thank heavens your bro is fine,and he will get out fine too, i have no doubt.whew.
Loved seeing all the sculpture,,,,just beautiful!
SO GLAD to read that your brother is safe.What a scarey time that must have been for you!
(Not to mention him!)
Enjoy your trip,,,maybe this will work out for you.
I am glad you are going to the Cape. I am sure you will have a wonderful time. Best of luck with the house. Please let us all know more about it.
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