Dearest Bloggie Friends. Thank you for all your kind and wonderful septic tank hiding suggestions. I esp like the idea of painting a mural on it! But, the bank sale thing was so complex to my mind that, when I finally saw the Pocasset house on the pond with conservation land, even though it was miniscule and the owners painted every room an egg yolk glaring yellow, and I couldnt see the basement as the door wouldnt open, I made an offer on it immediately.
I think I could have gotten it for less by the reaction of realtor and the owners, who immediately accepted my offer.!!!
I am trying not to think. Absolutely. Dont think.
Today I will see it again and see the basement as they will remove and replace the door. All appliances are very old at ratty but anyway.......we just need to get through the home inspection and septic inspection and then we will close on March 30th!!!!!!
Lolo, you are invited to come to tea. KJ you are invited to come to tea. Would love to meet you. Everyone is invited to come to tea, I just mentioned Lolo and KJ as they live in the area, as do you Mim, and M. Heart. All invited.
Love love love the land and pond and trees all around.
On a dirt road, short and town plowed.
Thank you all....more soon. Kiss kiss, Suki
Congratulations! I hope all goes well and smooth!! Do post some photos when you can, I love the description you provided and bet it is fantastic!
How fun!!
I'm so so so!! happy for you, yes, don't think...just take photos...please!
Oh! This is such good news! And a wonderful way to start the spring, a new beginning. Would love to have tea with you when you get settled, it has been many years since I've ventured down to the Cape...
CONGRATS!! Hoping all goes well with the inspection. But remember you can get them to fix things if there is something not right in the inspection. I think the land was what was so important to you as well as having a nice insides too but that is cosmetic. Now dont over think what you did.. just move on. You will be so happy to have gotten your own place where you love living. Thinking of all the people you well get to meet in blogland.. :))
Suki, I just EXHALED!!!
I'm so so so very happy for you. I feel this is right even though there are things you'll need to change here and there. But they will be YOUR changes and that's a good thing!
I will most certainly come for tea and a tour! (with a housewarming gift, I insist.)
You belong on the Cape, Ms. Suki.
Hooray! and many, many blessings ;)
Fantastic! Cris is right, don't overthink it, just keep taking those steps forward and use the problems that are fixable to your advantage after the inspection. Sounds awesome and you will enjoy making it yours with the improvements you make! Photos!
Congratulations...sounds like you really love the pond and the surrounding area. Yes, stay strong and deal with one thing at a time...try not to be overwhelmed. Best of luck to you!
First, Mazol Tov! Happy for you egg yolk yellow and all, which of course you can repaint, paint murals on, collage, whatever you want once it is YOURS!!!!
Curious, did you buy with the help of a realtor this time or all by yourself? Is it too late to offer less $$? LOL Me and money! Forget it. It's only money!
You should have a painting party. Get friends in to help you. Blog and real life friends!
I wish I could fly in for the house warming. I would if I could.
I will visit you some day...I will.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you. You will have fun making it yours'!
Congratulations Suki/Pippi! I am sooo excited for you! TA DA!
Congratulations!!!! How wonderful to have jumped in with both feet...I'll bet you're relieved!!!
You sound so passionate about this little house, I believe it must have been the one for you.
You'll be able to relax completely after the home inspection...and then I'll bet you won't be able to wait to get to work.
Strange...our home was painted the very same colour. It blinds eyes in the sun!
Congratulations Pippi! Oops, I mean Suki.... you did it! Now, you can move forward with your life and create your own special world - filled with art, joy and the comfort of being in your own house. I know your cats will adore it. Glad "Old Pajamas" was there to provide some encouragement. You are very lucky!
♥ Robin from San Francisco ♥
That is awesome how you are shutting down your thinking mind. Wonderful. Good for you! Can't wait to see photos. I love yellow rooms!!!
I have missed all the heart-searching over where you will find somewhere to be happy and it seems all is good news. I wish you all the best, dear Suki, and look forward to more updates.
woohoo! when do we get to play together???? now that you'll be back in the neighborhood, more or less ;-)
It's so wonderful to feel your happiness jumping out of your post!!
Congrats Suki!! I know that your new home will be everything you have been dreaming of all this time. Yellow is so uplifting!
Suki have a look here...
... to see what an artist/gardener did with a huge water tank. It was an awesome challenge for her and now it's so beautiful!!
Oh YAY!!! This is such fabulous news, Suki!!! Congratulations! Yes, please do take pics for us.
Oh, Suki, I am crying as I am so happy! I KNEW that was the house and I KNEW you belonged on the Cape. You can paint it any colors you like! And so what if is small, you are only one person. Not thinking is good! All the best with the rest of the process.
I am as excited as if it were me!
Can't wait to know more,,,and yes, photos please!
How wonderful! Something just told me this house was for you!!!
I can see you all having your tea in it...and ambling around the property noting all of the plantings and birds!
OMG!!! I saw the heading on my blog roll list and simply blinked in amazement!! Good for you, I'm SO pleased for you. I will definetly come visit - hopefully with our other girls - and we'll bring Housewarming goodies!!!
Yes, Yes, Yes! This is wonderful news...glorious springtime! So many changes and so much fun! I am so very happy for you and am so eager to hear more about this adventure.
I am also interested in the change you will make to your blog byline :-) I suppose by early spring you will not be writing from the mountaintop!
Congratulations, my friend!
Suki, I am thrilled for you. Congratulations. Here's to new beginnings.
Woo-Hoo! Happy Day! I'm looking forward to photos.
i'll make a special trip to come for tea! love the cape!
Oh how exciting!!!!!!!!
Can't wait to see pics!!!!!
I am so happy you went for the cape. I know it is there you have to be!
I want to come for tea as well........ a bit difficult but who knows one day when I am in the neigborhood.
Is it final? Can I congraTYLATE YOU???????
Can't wait to hear and see all about it!
Be happy!
YAY! congratulations and enjoy the teas you will have ;)
oh how did i miss this, am sooo excited, am jumping up and down (well inside i am). dear dear suki, what i like so much is YOUR excitement and joy, at last, now you can make it all yours, and paint the walls whatever colour you want them to be and hang all your things on the wall, and some of your dear mom's things too, and no one, yes no one can tell you to leave!!!!! this is just excellent, and i wish you many happy hours of fun!
Oh how fun, catching up is! I am so happy for can now move forward and see where it takes you! Congratulatory yips for you!
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