Thank you all for your comments on the cranberry bog posts. Anyone who wants to use the photos as a painting basis please feel welcome. Still feeling quite sluggish and funny...you know how you can feel the "bug" somehow in your system. Rested and ate Greek yogurt yesterday but also dragged myself out to see two houses. Very disappointing as they were not in great shape and needed lots of immediate work and were pricey from my pov. However not pricey when you consider that a year or so ago there were no houses on Cape Cod for less than $300,000.
Luckily today I do not have any pressing commitments and can just rest in quietude. Perhaps this is all part of the grieving and clearing out. I was not sick at all for the 14 months I took care of Mom and that was a blessing.
Photo: my hostesses doll dressed for the winter, sitting in an old high chair. She has various seasonal outfits and I showed her once before with a flowered elephant.
I did the same thing after my Mom died. She had been ill a long time and then after I just fell apart. I got really sick. I think I had to get everything out of my system to heal. I have heard it said that you need at least two weeks for a vacation, One week to get the stress out of your system and one to enjoy the vacation. Thats about the time you head home. :)
Hope you have yourself a Real Estate agent. They can find the repossed home and ones cheaper for sale right now. It should be a buyers market still.
Sounds like you are having a normal reaction to months of stress. Sit back and ride it out.
Lovely doll!
Good luck on the house hunting.
I love this doll. I have one of the same era. She's in pieces needing a doll doctor to put her parts together with a new rubber band. Is yours from your childood?
I love the way you dress her.
And yes, stress accumulates and then makes us sick, so no surprise that your body would break down now after the busy time of care giving. My mom was a teacher and she would get sick at every vacation time from the stress of the teaching periods.
Just take time to let yourself heal for now.
What are they asking for homes on the cape now? Are any in forclosure?
Take care of yourself and relax, I am doing the same today as I came down with an ear infection. Be good to you :-). And kiss those cats for me.
been at work missed a few days...take care of yourself now....suki i am so glad you have a new header, that last one bothered me a bit, don't know why...
Rest . . . the great healer. After my son died my husband and I found it difficult to adjust to sleeping like regular people. (We had been on 2-hour shifts because of the intensity of his needs and often fell asleep on the floor at his bedside). We were exhausted inside and out . . . but then we rested, knowing Andrew was peaceful and perfect . . . without need.
The body heals with rest. I have always enjoyed excellent health (Praise God) but also have made a firm commitment to caring for my body as the temple it is.
Take care . . . literally. Peacefully enjoy where you are at. You will know when you have found the right HOME . . . it will wave at you cheerfully from among the HOUSES you view. Your heart will find its proper hearth, because it seeks. I am praying for you as you look.
lovely doll...
wish your energy back soon...
it is usually the same for all... at a time when someone needs you, you are so energetic... the absence then leaves you so lethargic...
The doll isnt my doll, it belongs to my hostess. Lots of repossessed homes here. But many are in bad condition. Prices can be deceptive as to my mind i need to add in all the repairs needed to make it liveable and also at times the cost of and headache of getting a new up to code septic. I have been looking at the bottom of the barrel house price wise at $200,000 or so. But with the one it needs possibly 20,000 in help.
I love The Three Bears illustrated by Feodor Rojankovsky! I still have mine from the 1950's.
I do hope you are on the mend. Perhaps the sea air will clean you out and make you whole again.
Nice that you are house browsing. This probably is a good time to buy. I expect house prices will drop a bit more as time passes. I wonder if the little blue house in Brattleboro is still available? It just looks like you.
Rest and enjoy.
I never got into dolls much as a kid. I don't know why. She's a cutie though! I hope she's providing good company for you and the cats.
I remember being diagnosed with panic disorder at the end of a tough year. I lost both parents, I got divorced from husband number one and I lost a business all in 13 months.
When I asked the doctor why I'd get sick after holding up for all of the bad stuff he said "Because your body stayed strong when it needed to. Now you can focus on your own health and well being."
I know this is part of your process Suki. Listen to your body and nourish yourself.
Yes, our bodies are wonderful things. I'm hoping you feel good soon.
i think it is not uncommon to let down and get sick after all you've been through ;-)
love the doll--are you looking at houses on the cape?
I woke up one day this week with 101 temp - very unusual for me. Then a sinus problem - Hmmm....could it be stress?????
Looking for a house on the Cape? Sounds like it could be fun
Thanks for everything Suki - it all helps.
Love the little doll, and that she has seasonal outfits.
Hoping you're getting back up to par, and able to get out & about and enjoy your trip.
hope you're better now, Suki...
take care of and pamper yourself more...
a big hug
ps. wish you can find your ideal house soon...
Grief does different things to people. You will eventually feel better. You know the ole "time" adage. (Hugs)...
The doll is cute. I have a friend that dresses her dolls and sits them on an antique chase. She loves them. Says they don't talk back like her children always did.
Waaaaaaaaaay behind on comments here Suki! I hope you feel better soon as your body cleanses whatever it may be. BTW, cranberries are awesome for preventing germs from lingering anywhere in the body!
I have really enjoyed your Cape pictures. I have been very into looking at pictures of where people are lately, especially if there is no snow:)
Did your Greek yogurt have honey on it? :)
FYI, there is a Greek yogurt plant here because we have the proper sewage system to handle the waste. The milk they use comes from Greece.
Continue healing and may luck guide you to the perfect house!
Hi Suki, I have been away and am just catching up with all the postings!
I love the roses in your header, spring must be about.
I see you are looking at houses now, I hope that special one comes up soon - it is out there already, just waiting for you.
hmmmmm: are you thinking of living on the cape? hmmmmm. i'm not a bit surprised it's on your short list. and don't forget you could rent before you buy!
Enjoy the quietude, Suki. And get all the yuckies out of your system. You've been through so much of late.
May you find the perfect comfort zone to call your own...
(hugs) You are in my thoughts. Sending positive energy your way. Keep eating healthy foods to keep your strength up.
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