OK. I have given in to convention and done a teeny bit of decorating for my guests who will arrive tomorrow. Esmeralda and Ermentrude from Devon, England. They have recently visited
Kim and are now on their way up north via train and bus.

I have spent the morning vacuuming and making up beds and baking and planning the menu.

I guess I'm not really late late, but a tad behind.

Emily and Bibbity are full of anticipation and excitement.

Just hope we don't have a blizzard.
Oh you have it looking really nice for E&E's visit. They will need some of that quiet beauty you have there after their long train and bus trip. But I bet those naughty girls will be stiring up the fires before you know it. :)
I cant wait to find out.
I just found you via your comment on wild pages blog... I'm now going to link to and follow you.. Love your blog!
What a lovely thing to look forward to, especially after such a long, sad time. I hope you have a wonderful time! Thanks for commenting on my blog, btw--i changed the post about the email greetings ;-)i think it sounded harsh instead of funny, which is how i had intended it....
How fun this is,,,watching these travelers!
Nothing like some company coming to get the 'ol decorating juices flowing!
Bet you made them one of your gorgeous pies too!
Have fun, Suki!
PS: Your decorations are fun,,,,,and IF there's a blizzard, you can just send Kate's fairy to fly them on in,,,,,
I think your holiday decorating is fabulous! So cheerful and homespun. I know you are busy getting ready for your company, so I won't keep you.
Hi Suki
great decorating! and your ice storm photos are just stunning!!!!
namaste Elis
Glad you are getting ready for the girls - can't wait until they get here
Suki, your place is looking really festive. Esme and Erme will be so pleased.
What are you going to bake? Do you think they will be bringing presents? What will you wear for the occasion? Wool?
It looks wonderful already. Have a great visit and wouldn't a snowstorm be fun to show them> :)
Oh I'm laughing loud here about the guy with the white beard and the Schnozzle (found that word in a dictionnary and it makes me laugh too:):)
The other pictures are so cozy and nice, make me want to come and prepare E&E's visit with you:)
my password here is "snucticu", isn't that cute?
Never a dull moment, what a hoot, or dare I say baaa, this is. I just read Kim's post and about spit out my coffee laughing. How fun!
Cris, my computer internet connection was down last night so couldnt get to answering here until Fri morning. Yes, I did think the girls would like a bit of quiet after their days of activity and long bus ride.
Hi Mary, welcome. I'll come visit you shortly. be well, Suki
Hi other Mary. I know lots of folks who do those letters about how great the year was. My college boyfriend did them back then. Now, he does them by email. I think the world has really changed re: the quickness of emails. But there are still a few folks left who do hand written notes.
Babs, there's an idea. We do expect a large storm this afternoon and another on Sunday. But I've called Blaize, who owns a four wheel drive jeep, and told her to be ready to do some driving if needed. She's cool with that.
katie Jane, one thing about having company come, it does get me out there tidying up and vacuuming etc.
Thanks Elis. I am really enjoying your recent paintings. I read yr blog but dont always comment. Namaste to you, Suki
Mim, do you remember what day they fly back to England. I want to send them down to you in time. I'mm thinking Blaize may just drive them down in her four wheel drive jeep. It isnt that far away, I dont think.
San, so cute. You know, I am actually allergic to wool. Oh dear. But i did wonder if the girls might show me how to felt. Maybe even contribute a few strands of their wool towards that project!
Teri, snow storm they will get, as we expect one tonight. Not sure how much snow they get in England. But most likely not as much as we do here. Too bad I dont ski.
Andrea, a friend just sent me that cute Santa. He makes me laugh too. Well, myself and the girls do wish you were here. maybe next time.
Karen, yes, the girls were quite chatty at Kim's for sure. I wonder if they are bringing their knitting as we may be snowed in here.
Suki, your decorating is lovely. I never do a great deal of decorating here...preferring the simple holiday look. I think you have your space looking all cozy and warm. Menu planning...ohhh, I need to be off to get that done.
I like your decorations as they all appear to be hand made. Lovely, and I am sure E & E will appreciate them.
Kim, I'm not big on decorating either though I suppose I could be if folks came to visit as they are now. :)
Lynn, the pine cone wreath is one Mom made. Also she painted the old milk can blue. She also made the felt bell. the santa a friend just sent me in the mail filled with candy and fruit. The felt Xmas tree I found in a thrift store and is handmade.
Everything looks so festive! I love the milkcan with the pine branches and the red bow.
Thanks Robin. Decorating is easy here with all the pine trees and branches with the red berries and pine cones and birch bark logs.
Sorry, Robyn.
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