After a grueling trip on Amtrak and thence onward by bus E and E arrived early this morning. Needless to say they were starving so I served them up a real North Country breakfast of bacon, pancakes with New Hampshire maple syrup and orange juice. Right now they are taking a bit of a lie down. Poor dears. When they awake I'll buzz them over to a cute restaurant in Vermont where we can talk and I can hear all the gossip about their adventures with Andrea, Lynn, Cris and Kim. More later. I am tiptoeing around right now so as not to wake them.
Oh, so cute, the picture of the two sweeties and their North Country breakfast:) I love the window and we can see snow falling there?
Pssssssssst, sleep well E&E:)
Suki, you are so sweet. I am sure they are really ready for a proper sleep as sitting for all that time can be brutal...especially for sheep! Now full bellies and some rest will do them the world of good... Now you get ready, because once they have some rest they will bleet you through some real fun!
I love your drawing so much, Suki! I can't wait to hear the rest of the story.
We will try to be quiet...
Dear Suki, I'm sure E & E have really enjoyed that slap-up breakfast, it sounds really tasty to me! I love your picture of them eating their hearts out!
Oh Suki, So glad to see they made it there safe and sound. It must be really cold there but then they brought their wool coats to keep them warm. They really are experiencing a wide variety of American Culture. Can't wait to see what else they get up to. I believe they have tickets to fly home on Tuesday sometime. I just hope bad weather doesn't hinder their flight home.
Love your drawing. Mike sure set off something here. It's been so much fun. :))
Oh Suki, What a perfect breakfast you have made for E and E. They look so happy at your abode. I bet they are fatigued from all their travels. Give them our love, as we miss them so. They are so snuggly.
I love the "photo" you took of them. Glad E remembered her scarf for your cold weather there. Do enjoy your time with them. I believe they go to Mim next, correct? Or were they already there?
Shhhhh, you're right. I've always heard you should let sleeping sheep lie.
Downright awesome breakfast you've made them,,and I LOVE that drawing,,,,great job, Suki!
Oh this is such a spirit lifter!! Your decorations are wonderful, especially that beautiful pitcher of greens. Your breakfast...out of this world. Who ordered the snow?...great festive day to you and your dear lambs!!!
They come to me next...we're excited and have lots of plans! They should be here sometime on Sunday??? or earlier??? let me know suki so I can get the house ready
What a darling drawing. Sounds like you will be having lots of fun today!
So exciting and so sweet! Love the sketch.
Andrea, snow has just begun to fall at around 1:30. E and E are up and about and very excited. They say it is so beautiful and they want to go leaping about in the field. I told them about the turkeys that sometimes are out there and there are even MORE excited at that.
Kim, E and E just took a short lie down and are now up and chatting away awaiting the big storm.
Dianne, E and E are so kind, complimenting me on my decorations and on the delicious meal. We drove down to a neighbor's house where they make maple syrup so E and E could ship some home to Devon.
Cris, yes tuesday is their day out and back to England. Keep yr fingers crossed as to the weather.
Lynn, I passed on your greetings and E and E say they kinda wish they were back there in WARM California. Yes, they will go to Mim's early Sunday morning in Blaize's 4 wheel drive jeep.
Babs, perhaps I wont have insomnia tonight. I can just count sheep. :)
Blue Sky,we are indeed having fun here. They are now donning their winter mittens and scarfs to take a walk in the snow.
Mim, I'm sending them down early Sunday morning so you have two good days with them before they fly out on Tuesday.
Annie, it is so great to have these gals here to visit. It cheers me and the cats up quite a bit. I think maybe mom sees them too, watching from up there in the universe.
Teri, thanks. Well, actually thats a photo, not a sketch. :)
Awww...E and E are too cute!!! I love their names.
Willow, Mike of Devon named them. They are cute aren't they? And great fun.
They made good time on that trip. I know it was the Starbucks Kim got them. No wonder they were ready for a hearty breakfast. And your drawing is darling, Suki.
Suki, I guess counting sheep is out for you when you can't sleep...that would probably just give you more sleep-stealing-sheep-sketching ideas. (Say that a few times fast!) May you(and E & E)rest well, tonight.
San, the trains and buses are amazing nowadays. Thanks.
Cynthia, its such fun having these gals here.
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