Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Some not very good photos of a poster of a quilt of masks. This posting is for Andrea who is making some amazing quilted and painted and beaded masks as shown on her blog. The poster is enclosed in glass which is why there is a glare.


Unknown said...

Dear Dear Sukipoet!!!

I like youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

Thank you soooooooo much, I feel very special now because someone thousands of kilometers away photographed these beautiful masks for me! I just love them and will fall off my seat right now from overwelming enthousiasm..!

Love and Hugs

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed the masks. I look forward to seeing more of yours. Love, Sukipoet

Mary Richmond said...

I've nominated you for a Nice Matters Award!

sukipoet said...

thanks Mary!!! and I nominated you back, if that's kosher. Susan