Thursday, September 19, 2013

Second try at posting video correctly

The beach at Harwich.  In my last post I uploaded the video via the photo link rather than the video link which is why it came out funny.  Smile.


Mim said...

it looks cool and windy and perfect cape time

kj said...

Haha suki, I can't open it on my iPhone! But i know what the wind on your face feels like and that this sound and sea heals more than surfaces. I am so glad you have given yourself this sanctioned time. And it's so lovely obvious that you are having a grand old time :-)


Kelly said...

Nice. I love exploring new and different environments. Thank you for taking me there.

Lynn Cohen said...

Glad you are having an enjoyable time.

Cris, Oregon Artist said...

Oh sounds windy there. I forget how windy the beach is. Keep soaking up all the wonderfulness there. :)

Wayne said...

nice sneakers.....I just about went with the high tops....went with the cowboy boots instead....had a ball indeed