Saturday, August 10, 2013

Little Books

 I finished up the covers on these little books I had bound awhile ago.  Covers are made of canvas with sewn embellishments, beads, a button.  The shoe is a Vintage whatever.  Poppy leaf.  Old photos from the twenties. Bits of lace and velvet.
They are 3 by 3 and 2 1/2 by 1 1/2.  Ten pages of Strathmore paper.  The pearls were from my Mom's bead collection and as I worked Mom filled my heart.  She sewed clothes, made angels, made Christmas bead ornaments.  How I miss her.

Meanwhile I tried to post about my poetry chapbook but discovered that the press was on vacation for the week so didnt want to publish links until they were back.  Even the amazon site for the book says no copies available.  Not sure if that relates to the press being on vacation.  So, coming soon a post about my little poetry chapbook.

Megga thanks to all who odered it.  Love, Suki


Annie said...


These books are darling.
I know you miss your mom, I miss mine too.
I finished your book and just loaned it to friends.
I loved it so much, like I said before, you are a real poet.
Anyone reading this who has not ordered it, should do so!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

What a lovely way to connect with your Mom.

Unknown said...

Sweet books .... The sizes are perfect ... It's nice sometimes to let those feelings fill you while you work ... Now your little books will be a love connection

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

So nice to see photos of these beautifully detailed books...good for the heart to create from love!

kj said...

Hello suki, beautiful as always . I'm glad you are making these little treasures
