Friday, July 19, 2013

Berry picking

Yesterday I went berry picking with my son.  Blue and rasp.  Suddenly I felt sick to my stomach and dizzy.  Had to lie down.  Told son to turn on car AC.  Revived a bit but spent the rest of the day in the one room at home where I have AC.  Drinking lemon juice and salt.  Scary.

Meanwhile son and neighbors were out there in the heat working.  Son shredded a pile of branches into mulch and mowed the lawn.  Neighbors dynamited the ledge.  It was just a small blast.  Life just does go on.


Cris, Oregon Artist said...

Oh hope you are better now. Stay in and stay cool. That heat is a killer. Nice to see your Son. Fun to go berry picking.

Annie said...

I don't do well in the sun either, be more careful and take good care.

Mystic Meandering said...

A little heat stroke maybe? The heat and I don't get along either. I stay inside most of the summer :) Hope the AC helped to cool down your body. And stay well-hydrated too! Sending you cool breezes :)

Lynn Cohen said...

So hot there now praying for rain and relief! Be well!

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

Too bad to cut short the fun of berry picking but the heat can be awful. Sounds like you are doing all the right things and soon enough a bowl full of berries!

soulbrush said...

We don't cope with most things the older we get and sun is one of them. Remember the days when we could sit out there for hours! Take it easy now.

Mim said...

I'm staying inside. I tried some yard work today and nearly passed out also. it's too hot and humid, so I am indoors enjoying the heck out of it

kj said...

I had no idea until i read these comments that my problems with high heat are because I am older.


Take care, suk

kj said...

I meant suki, not suk. I wouldn't just shorten your name like that :-)

Unknown said...

My daughter has low blood pressure and must drink lots of water ... It's hard to remember .... Take care of yourself

Kelly M said...

Do stay hydrated. It is not too hot here anymore, though it was before I left for my trip 3 weeks ago. Today I didn't have to use the A/C at all and even turned the fan off. During our trip I discovered these little bottles of electrolytes that you can add to a bottle of water. We kept one in the glove compartment to turn any bottle of tap water into a sport beverage of sorts. Take care!