Friday, July 05, 2013

Ah, water

Heat emergencies here in New Hampshire make me long to be back on Cape Cod where water abounds.  What a blessing is the beach.

Taking a trip, even the highway driving part, energizes me somehow.  Puts me in motion.  On return I am determined to DO IT.  Yet after a few days home,  I battle my sluggish soul.  My clinging to what is familiar.  To what "appears" secure and safe.  Sometimes I wish I were a cat.


sukipoet said...

I have no idea why the video downloaded this way! No sound. No arrow! just watch and it will move around from here to there.

Umā said...

I was wondering how you did that with the video Suki!
I guess it will remain a mystery.

What we're used to definitely feels more safe than the great unknown. I'm battling that now myself. Even with the house on the market and two months to go before I have to leave I'm still terrified to not know what's going to happen next.

Mim said...

inertia - what a tough thing to battle. I adore the cape and would move to be near the ocean in a heartbeat!

Annie said...

Suki, I know the feeling. I long to live by the sea, but fear and lack of funds stops me.
I read this yesterday: What would you do if you were not afraid?
Stay cool.

kj said...

i will help you move, suki. come september there will be seasonal lower cost rentals. putting yourself back there for a few months even might tilt the inertia to staying on the cape. :^) from that vantage point you can think about how to clean, move, and list your property. :^)

i know what you mean about the ocean and water. it changes everything. it slows everything down. i feel blessed to be able to be near water. JB and i talk that we will sooner or later actually move to provincetown, but the reality of that thought is also very scary. so scary i'm not even sure why. (i can easily find reasons, but do they really matter?)
i'm nudging you because it seems so clear where your happy life lies.

stay cool, my friend

Mystic Meandering said...

Love that top photo! Being landlocked here I *need* water for my spirit! lol

I know the feeling of being so motivated and then not being able to execute it, falling back into the false security of the familiar, contracting into paralysis with the way things are. Such a familiar pattern for me! Am glad you are not "settling" though, and are doing what your heart/spirit needs to do, allowing yourself to be enlivened by the idea of moving to where your Spirit can thrive! Keep that always alive in your heart! Big Heart Hugs to you!

Cris, Oregon Artist said...

Its lovely there on the cape. Funny about the Video. I too was going to ask how you did it. lol..Don't think just leap to the cape. Sounds like you have everything packed up so just go..list your property and don't look back. You have offers from friends to help. That place you are living in was your parents dream not yours. Its not really safe there its suffocating you.

kj said...

Wow I think Chris has given sage advice. Do it now, suki. Really; it's time


Kelly M said...

The open road energizes me, too. I read or heard this quote once, and it has guided me through many dilemmas: "Do the right thing and the Universe will support you." I think the key to movement for you is letting go of the fear of making a mistake. If you could release that fear, I think you could make a movement. But, hey, you ARE getting closer all the time. Baby steps. You have cleaned out some possessions, etc. That is movement!

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

Beautiful photos of your beloved beach...glad it gives you such pleasure.
Living between two worlds isn't easy...both hold you in different ways. I think the key is to be happy wherever you are in the moment!

Robin said...

Blue Sky speaks words of have so much to be happy both places... time will show you what to do....

As for the know I share your feelings.... it's my *tranquilizer*....

Love to you and Bibitty,

♥ Robin ♥

sukipoet said...

Thank you everyone for all your support and understanding of this "theme" I have been harping on for years now.

KJ thanks for rental ideas and offers of help. actually the property i live in is pretty cleaned out except for my personal possessions.

the farmhouse though is a disaster and nightmare.

to be happy each day and thankful for my many blessings, this is my hope. YES to all advice.

Unknown said...

The water is likes magnet. Maybe we are tidal inside of us. That would account for the ups and downs highs and lows of it all. I like to say that I am seasonal. The sun energizes me like nothing else does. And when there is no sun I seek out the water.

Lynn Cohen said...

We spent one day on the beach last week in Oregon. It was so refreshing! We planned a week retreat there as family for next summer!
Change is both exciting and scary! I hope you manage to give yourself whatever it is that will make you happiest!

BrittArnhild said...

Lovely beach :-)