fog hovers over the pond
snow recedes like a hair line across the field
ice melts in rhythmic drops
it could almost be spring
He calls on the telephone
chronicles his world
asks about hers
"I'd like to come up," he says
it's almost love
Silk long johns
alpaca sweater
hot water bottle, cup of tea
window seat in the sun
she's almost warm
Ink stains on fingers
words phrases lines
images sounds
almost a poem
she stands by the pond
a few leaves blow like prayer flags
the arrow whispers through the air
pierces a trunk
misses her heart by a narrow foot
Suki 12/2011
Lovely. As is your new header. I'll almost miss winter when you change your header photo. :)
I haven't 'made time' to visit in a while, but so appreciate your stops at my blog! Love the sparkly 'Christmas Card-like' header, too and this poem, poignant, sentimental but strong you?...
Almost! Wow! You paint wonderful pictures with words Suki. I see it and feel it all. Thanks for all the wonderful poems this year. I look forward to more in 2012. Happy blogging! Happy NEW year!
I feel it in your poem too, Suki. You express it well - that feeling of not quite there always being on the edge of something...
May 2012 bring fulfillment and completions, and lots of love that ins't "almost love." :) Hugs, C
This seems to be both of our mantras..... at least for 2011! Next year, we are going to MOVE onwards in every aspect! Oh yes!!!!
I forgot to mention how much I love your *apron comment* on your sidebar!!! Wonderful, you witty woman!
Werner's *Cave* is now in my Netflix queue.....can't wait! Receiving "Love Crime" today (Kristin Scott-Thomas' latest!) Woo-hoo!
Love to you and Bibs!
♥ Robin ♥
p.s. Burdick's Forever!!!! OMG! DELICIOUS!
We all have a lot of almosts in our lives. You make this collection sound almost romantic.
I love your poetry!
You're an amazing writer. Oh, and I also love vintage aprons.
This is an instant favorite...beautiful! I am touched by the definition of peace...'Softening what is rigid in our hearts' in your sidebar. Happy New Year.
Almost my favorite of your poetry, but not quite.
But then, you know I think they're all terrific!
Happy New Year Suki,,,and be warm!
awww suki, this is my favorite. gosh you are a fine poet. the refrain is so telling; 'almost' is so sad, isn't it? just, almost.
robin's card looks glorious as your header. it's a keeper.
i wish you the happiest of new year's, suki. we'll write together this year.
with love always
love the words, and you. have a happy and healthy and arty 2012, and who knows- maybe that little house will come along for you in 2012...I feel it's just round the corner. xxx
Suki, Your poems just get better and better. I Love, love, love this one. WONDERFUL!
Happy New Year!!
I can feel the mood, almost - love, so familiar. I had a conversation just like it the other day. You express yourself, and through you my and the collective experience beautifully. Wishing you a future rich in continued creative outpourings and warmed by human caring and sharing.
Happy New Year to you Suki♥
Hope 2012 will bring you much happiness and inspiration :)
Poignant and melancholy, yet hopeful...I love this poem. I could see the images within.
Happy New Year, Suki, all the best in the world in the coming year! xx
This is pretty, Suki. It painted a picture in my mind. I am there...almost.
This is lovely. so evocative. I see it laid out before me. I feel it tugging at the heart. I love the silk long johns and alpaca sweater. It's dreamy, it's real. It's beautiful!!
I do love it when I can close my yes and imagine autumn as spring .... But December is quite December. No mistaking winter for what it is. Your poem feels sad to me except for the patch of sunshine and ink stained fingers. I hope 2012 is good to us ...
A great poem, I like it!
Not quite being there. Although through your words, I am completely there with her.
word verification: reedn
As in, "I love reedn your poems."
I look forward to many more instances of your creative ways of expressing yourself through the coming year. Happy 2012!
I just read your current post about your walking meditation which is wonderful... but I then scrolled down and read your beautiful poem.. had to leave a comment here.. so beautiful.
A new favourite. Beautiful poem Suki.
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