Saturday, October 30, 2010


A little drive down south on this warm fall day.

I bought two books today, the Bissell and the Nunn. The rest I purchased in recent weeks. By the way the Pig trilogy by Joseph Caldwell is an irreverent hoot. This is the third in the series.

Tirimasu for my dinner, a take-out from the food co-op.

A stop in Adivasi, a store with many wonderful items from India. The owner and her Indian husband go there to purchase the stock which is kept in some amazing wooden cabinets also brought over.

This 11 by 15 inch notebook was on sale. The cover is the Tree of Life. Inside is rice paper. I hope to make my personal transition mandala in this book.

A wooden Ganesha which I had seen on M. Heart's blog. She keeps it in her car which is where I will keep mine. Ganesha is the Indian god who helps to overcome obstacles.


Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

What a lovely fall trip...Tiramisu might just be my favorite dessert (and cheesecake for breakfast, lol). Oh, I fell for that little Ganesha on M. Hearts blog, too...may it help you also overcome obstacles.

studio lolo said...

I always love to see you going out on these wonderful excursions Suki, but what also thrills me is that you treat yourself to journals and icons to help carry you through the hurdles of life.

We're here for you as well, but I don't think any of us are as good looking as Ganesha ;)


Lynn Cohen said...

Such colorful fun. Now Mother Lynn says I hope you ate your veggies before dessert! LOL That looks nummy Suki.
May the red elephant clear the way for you where ever you want to go!
Do report back on the books!

Robin said...

What a lovely day you had! You KNOW how I share your love of Tiamisu....but this piece looks particularly delicious!!!!

I think your Ganesha is wonderful!
May he help to clear all obstacles from your path!

Love the books too...just seeing a stack of them like you have is so inviting....

Glad you enjoyed "Ghost Writer"....and I loved the bits that were filmed in New England...they added so much to the atmosphere!

I'll ring you soon.... thinking about you and Bibs a lot!

Love to both,

♥ Robin ♥

Annie said...

Ganesha I a personal love of mine :-), He helps me all the time and it is he is a good friend when you need some things moved around :-). Lovely things Suki.

Anonymous said...

(chuckle) Now why didn't you move that dumpster out of the way before you took the photo of the mural? (wink)

Umā said...

Hi Suki, they must have had a run on those Ganesha statues today - I was there too this afternoon, buying one for my friend's wife!

I stopped by the Indian grocery as well and had a great chat about foods with the woman behind the counter.

Brattleboro is such a wonderful town!

Marion said...

What a wonderful little trip. I love the things you see and the items you find. I wish I could find a journal with rice paper. I love me that rice paper!!

Whenever I go for little drives like this, I always find a small bookstore. I can spend hours in there, until my allergies get too bad. Your books look interesting...I have made note of some of the titles and authors.

Thank you, Suki!

Dianne said...

I love your little book, I hope you make many transition mandalas over the next few months.

May your Ganesha clear all the obstacles away from your path!

kj said...

gotta love brattleboro, right suki? it is only 45 minutes north from me and there is a sweet little french restaurant i dream about for lunch.

i too love your excursions. i feel happy when you gallivant.

sukipoet said...

kj its only 45 minutes south from me. We could meet for lunch?

Right now panicky as the lense popped out of my glasses and I cant see to drive to a glasses place to get it put back in. I am seeing to write this as I sort of propped it in there for the moment but dare not drive that way.

Tess Kincaid said...

books + sweets = my kind of day

Tess Kincaid said...

Uh-oh, sorry to hear about your glasses, Suki. Wish I lived nearby to come collect you and take you to the glasses place.

(btw, I posted a little blurb about the little bug dish today) :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Ganesha is very powerful. If you are calling on Ganesha for help with obstacles, you will soon see them rolling out of your way. They are boulders to you, but to Ganesha they are like pebbles.

layers said...

what a wonderful day trip- books, food, art-- living every moment.

San said...

Tiramishu and Ganesha--how can you lose with those two on your side?