Miss Emily Dickinson, my dear 14 year old kitty, died on Wednesday, today. She had only been ill one time before in her long life. I adopted her from the vets and the moment I saw her in her cage I knew she was the one for me. It was difficult at first as she kept attacking my legs and I couldn't seem to stop the behavior. Finally, I let her outside and then she stopped.

She loved to lie around looking at the sky and basking in the sun. In the winter she slept by my pillow and she always liked to share my chair when I read. She was very quiet, both my cats are, and loved routine and the familiar. Bibbity sometimes gave her a hard time. Miss Em always froze or cowered until Bibs left her alone or I came in to the rescue.
She was very beautiful, with her tri-colored fur and the sweetest cat I have ever known. I adored looking at her face and singing her special song to her.
I am glad I visited her yesterday at the vets for about half an hour. I told her she might be soon going to cat heaven and that I loved her. I told her again the story of how I found her and sang her song. My heart is hurting and I miss her dear, sweet self. She will be cremated and I will someday scatter her ashes, perhaps on the Cape. Namaste, Miss Em.
I am so sorry for your loss, and my heart aches for you.
Miss Em was beautiful.
Miss Emily WAS, indeed a beauty. I can see why you fell in love with her. You were the BEST MOM to her....and she knew it.
The ONLY hard thing about adopting a pet - is letting go when they pass. I am thankful the two of you had the visit yeaterday and that you sang Em her special song.
There is a hole in your heart...as there always is when a loved one passes.... but think about all the love you two shared....that is s special gift in itself.
Suki, we all love you and Bibs very much - and we are here for you. Emily will live on in your heart and in our memories too...because we have seen her pictures and because of your loving stories abour her.
Kiss Bibs for me, ok?
Love to you both,
♥ Robin ♥
It is hard when a pet full of personal;ity becomes so much a part of your life and then they go. I bawled my eyes out when our Rosie died and I feel for your loss.
Oh, Suki...I knew when I read your last post, that things were not hopeful for Miss Emily but I couldn't bring myself to leave a comment...knowing that time would help you decide for her.
It is sweet comfort to be able to say goodbye, it truly is...I will remember always kissing my favorite cats forehead when I awoke to find him almost waiting for me to say 'It's ok to go now' and his heart gave out...
I have also had to make the difficult decision to give them the 'gentle sleep' knowing that the love they gave to me was reflected in my love for them...
You will love her on a different plane now...she will always be lovely in your heart...
Suki, I am so sorry about your loss of Miss En. I have lost a few cats in our life, and it is never easy no matter how many you get. You had her a long time. And She had a great life with you. The only problem with pets is they dont live long enough. Peace be with you.
Sorry.. Miss EM..
I have tears in my eyes for you and Miss Em.
She was beautiful and you shared a special bond.
Sending you much love on this sad, reflective day.
Dear Suki,
My heart breaks for you, it truly does.
I know you'll treasure the memories of all those years together. How sweet that you had a song just for her.
Bibs will feel the absence too. He'll be there for you as will we, your blogging friends.
I'm so glad she's at peace. I believe she waited for you to come home. She seemed like she would do that, being the special girl that she was.
Many blessings to Emily Dickinson on her new journey. May you find comfort in your memories, and eventually, peace in your heart.
My heartfelt sympathy and love,
thank you all for your kind thoughts. Miss Em waited for me to come home! I had not thought of that, it must be true. Feeling sad and vulnerable, but I know this will pass. Love, Suki Oh yes, I did give Bibs a kiss. And the day I took Em to the vets, Bibs gave HER a kiss. He knew she was not well.
I am sorry for your loss of such a sweet companion. It's so touching that you sang her special song to her near the end. When it's time, it's time and there's nothing we can do about it but grieve and carry on. As you well know. Be very gentle with yourself and take comfort in the presence of the wise Bibs, who knew when to say goodbye to Miss Em. She did wait to bid you adieu. Thank you for sharing Miss Emily's story.
Aw Suki, I know how heavy your heart is. Just a year ago we lost our Callie, who looked so much like Emily.I like to think they are chasing butterflies together this very minute.
How fortunate the two of them were to have been rescued and loved so well, for so long.
Sigh,,,so hard to let them go, even when we know it's for their best.
Peace to your heart,,,,
So sorry to hear of the loss of Miss Em. It's terribly difficult to lose our furry companions who love us so unconditionally.
What a beauty she was...her eyes show such calm and wisdom. I am so sorry she had to go; she had the best Mom any cat could have.
My heart is with you, Suki, it is so difficult when a pet dies. Please take care.
Their little heart beats have such a big place in our lives. I'm sorry for your loss Suki.
my heart hurts for you, suki. the circumstances are tough ones. please do not think the time you took for yourself was at the expense of miss emily. sometimes things happen in ways we cannot understand.
your goodbye to miss emily is at the core of the love between an animal and her human companion. i imagine singing that song will stay with you forever.
she is in heaven, froclicking and assured she will see you again.
take care of yourself. we are here, and i know there are also inperson people also who can hold you close and share your loss.
no regrets, suki.
I'm sorry for your loss...left with sweet memories!
Oh Suki,I am so sorry. My heart is heavy for you. Emily was a beautiful cat and at least she did not suffer long. Hugs. xoxo
P.S. I love that you sang Em your song. xoxo
I'm so sad to hear this about your sweet Emily. My thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time, Suki. xx
I am so sorry, Suki. She was such a good girl!
Oh Suki I am so sad for you. Ms Em was absolutely beautiful and I love your memories of her fourteen years from beginning to now. Sending my love and caring thoughts and hugs from me and Henry V. What a sad sad day.
I have lost 4 cats in my lifetime,they all had a character of their own.It has never been easy, but I say to myself I gave them all the love and attention I could. Miss Em is looking down on you and saying thankyou for the loving home, and love showered on me.
One day you will be ready to give another cat a good home, till then God Bless
oh suki - I'm so sorry. it is SO tough to loss a loved pet and she is a beautiful cat. what an end to your vacation - I'm really sorry to hear about it.
i felt so sad about ms em, but when i read that bibs licked her before she went to the vet, i started crying.love can be so painful.
What a beautiful kitty. So sorry for your loss - I know how hard it is losing a good animal friend - cried so hard that I had puffy eyes and a head ache for work the next day..
Oh Suki, my heart goes out to you. You were lucky to have Miss Emily for so many years. I know she will be in your heart for many years to come. Namaste.
I am so sorry for you! Oh Suki, I am reading this in tears....
I know how this feels. But ms. Em is no longer in pain, that must be a little comfort.I wish to strength until the pain gets a little less and your heart is healed again. Big comforting hug from me M
My sympathy to you Suki. This is such a great loss and I know you have lots of great memories!
Dear Suki this is so sad,Im sorry for your loss,I know how painful it can be ti loose a friend! Hugs!
My heart aches for your loss. Miss Em was a beautiful kitty and it appears you two were destined companions. Fourteen years is a long friendship full of many days and memories. It's wonderful you had the chance to tell her goodbye and sing for her, it is obvious she had a good life and you a true treasure. May your pain be eased by sweet memories, it's tough letting them go. Thinking of you.
Oh Suki, my heart breaks for you. I'm sorry I'm late with my condolenses. I have been al little busy, but I want you to know that I am crying now, as I type this. Losing a pet is the worst, I think. They are so faultless and so loving and forgiving. My thoughts are with you.
Thank you for breaking open my heart with this post. I'd been feeling walled and armoured emotionally. This got through to me; the tears came. I feel with you in this loss, Suki. K
Suki, I am so sorry! I know this is so hard for you. Please know there are so many of us who care so much!
Suki, when I read your blog, (I haven't been reading blogs lately, entangled in life) I saw at first the cremation box and you said it was Emily, oh my. Such a sweet little cat, I think of her and of you very much! And told Oscar the car about Emily and Bibs. A big kiss from across the ocean, love, Andrea
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