I made an offer on a house. I asked if there were other offers on it and was told no. It was owned by Fannie Mae. My realtor suggested keeping the offer open for 8 days. A long wait to hear.
On Monday I looked the house up on the MLS listing site and found it had been taken off the market. Quick call to realtor who discovered the house did have another offer on it and it had been accepted by Fannie Mae and they were already getting their home inspection!!!
I was angry that no one contacted me, while I sat there waiting he hear about my offer, and told me that an accepted offer had occured. Supposedly they mailed in their offer so it was dated before mine. Also it is possible that they were the listing agent's clients whereas I had a buyer agent who would have had to split the commission. So the listing agent presented his own client's proposal before mine, which he was using for "backup."
Common courtesy seems to be missing here.
I really came to have fun, not to look for houses. But I did anyway. Have extended my stay by a week so won't return home till the end of July.
Thanks everyone for your comments!!! Be well, Suki
i'm glad you are staying longer, suki. hold on to how you feel there. i think your heart is lighter. not to mention your overworked head! i'm so sorry the house got pulled from you. damn! but in the fall there will hopefully be new possibilities, folks who don't want to carry places through the winter. i feel you are getting closer and closer.
i will be arriving sat, 7/31. i can hardly wait. your pictures make me drool
Im sorry you werent treated fairly. After being in the RE business here for 8 years, I have realtors here on the Outer Cape to think they are "BIG fish in a very small pond". Their arrogance was unexceptable to me.
I wish you luck in your house hunting.
let me try that again....after coffee.....
I am sorry that you were treated unfairly. After 8 years in the RE business here, I have found the Realtors of the Outer Cape to be "BIG fish in a very small pond". Their false sense of importance, and their greed was unacceptable to me.
Again, I wish you luck in your house hunting.
When we put an offer on WM 22 years ago, we were disappointed to find out there was another offer ahead of us and that they had ten days to do a house inspection. Well, to make a long story short, the man who made the first offer didn't get the inspection done in time, so it defaulted to ours! We took it as a sign.
(love the cute little Pippi you)
I love your Rumi quote Suki.
Your home is waiting for you now as we speak. I'm enjoying your post from new places Suki.
Might as well look at a house or two and have fun at the same time.
And it sounds like you are having fun,,,,wonderful to be able to extend your trip!
I'm still in agreement with Leslie,,,your house is out there waiting. Not that it's any easier to accept the way you were treated with this offer.I believe when your house appears, it will be easy!
You look very happy in that cute picture, and I'm glad!
Well bummer on the house.. not many have manners anymore. but at least you are enjoying yourself and thats a big thing. Enjoy it all.
Wishing you good luck on finding the right place and in the meantime it looks like you are enjoying yourself.
Extending your vacation is great news...enjoy! You look wonderful and with those cute clogs!
Suki, this trip sounds like it is really going well. I am so glad and you deserve it so much. It sounds like you saw this house and thought there was no harm in making the offer. I agree! The right place is going to come along when the time is right, you just be ready when that happens.
These small towns and water areas are so wonderful. I can see why you want to live in that area! It suits you well.
I would like to have lunch at the place in your header! Yummy!
Keep having fun, my friend!
Suki you look great. The vacation is agreeing with you. BAD realtor. Lucky you to get to stay longer.
i love the photos you in yous included!!! love all that sea environment,...living there would feel like being on vacation all the time... oh look, the perfect house, grab it. you'll be first this time!!!!
first off - great picture of you - very relaxed looking.
screw the realtors...keep your head on.
very nice photo's
grt. Helmi
Suki, what a wonderful post! (even with the inconsiderate realtor..)
You look GREAT! Happy, relaxed....PIPPI!
I received your card...thank you so much! It brought a ray of sunshine to foggy SF...(yes, still). You are having fun and rejuvinating your soul! The house will come!
♥ Robin ♥
First of all, I hope you are joking... you are not homely. (smile) Hey! We vacationed in Orleans last summer. I don't recall seeing that seafood shanty.
Thanks for the little tour - it was fun. Love the old Coke cooler!
What a charming town! No wonder you were tempted to put an offer on a house. If it didn't happen, it wasn't meant to be. At least you opened the door, so to speak. Good for you, claiming another week of holiday!
Grr!! Frustrating Suki!
Love your pics of this little town - really quaint. Enjoy your extra week :)
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