To make this two paged spread I squirted acrylic paint directly from the tube onto the paper with no water and I spread it across the page with an old credit card. That way the page doesnt get so wet and also the layer of acrylic is thin.
You can apply several layers of colors this way, scraping through the top layer to reveal the bottom layer. If your bottom layer is still damp you can place a template over the top and rub paint away paint with a damp cloth. That's called reductive stenciling. I read about these techniques in L.K. Ludwig's book Creative Wildfire. See her website here.
I may add more embellishments later. This is one of my "blocked" chakras. Yoga poses for unblocking include, cat, bow, and twists.
Suki.... I sound like a broken record...but, your art is so powerful - astoundingly beautiful.... and onc can immediately see that it comes from your heart.
I am relieved you took the cats and slept at your brothers. Good decision.
Thinking of you today.... according to your Chakra 'navel Cakra is "open" - but, just barely....
Stay strong, my friend!!!
♥ Robin ♥
So much energy in your chakra art! I'm loving watching it unfold.
These particular chakra paintings do not look blocked to me but rather holding steady with a bird and lotus for movement and blooming...I think this chakra is perfectly beautiful!
More wonderful additions Suki! I too, love your art so full of energy and purpose. Super pages!
all very provocative!
These are all so telling if one knows what one sees. Beautiful color and technique.
How cool is this technique???...and the result amazing! I like your bird! The colors are so vibrant, I feel all areas of my life improving, just gazing at these!!!
xoxo- Julie
Love the colors you are using. Lots of energy.. hoping it works for you. Hows the drying going on the walls?
this chakra is definitely warm and yellow and colorful and of course centered.
i'll take it all, but could i pass for a little while on the transformations? i've had a few too many already!
♥ suki
I love these pages Suki. I've been wanting to get myself a book by L.K.Ludwig for some time now. The reductive stenciling technique is very effective.
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