This automatic turn off
tea kettle is definitely a turn on. Before owning this
kettle I burned out many a stove top kettle. A whistling kettle helps, but you still have to jump at the sound of the whistle and run to turn it off. This kettle, which I saw at a friend's house, turns off automatically so that if I go off and forget I was heating water it is okay. When I pass through the kitchen again the water is hot, the kettle is safely off. I remember my cup of tea and make it! Not to mention that it is the most "modern" looking kitchen item I own. It was expensive, but one of the best purchases I've made in a long time.
What drew me first of all to your blog is your name Sukipoet-- and now I see that is your name --Suki.
My cat is a Tonkanese breed-- quite a character.
And I am spoiled with a hot water tap by my sink-- but your tea kettle does look cool. donna
I love your tea set, it is beautiful. That is a pretty spiffy kettle you have there.
roflol welcome to the 21st century. i love my old old old whistling kettle, but the turn off one is definitely a turn on!
Well this was educational! Never knew there was such a thing.
I would love to hear your story about the coyote.........
This is the most intelligent invention I've heard of in a long time. I wish my stove would turn off automatically...we have both caught each other leaving it on lately...not good. A whistling stove with automatic turn off. Now that is a turn on too!
What cayote?
I scared myself the last time I forgot about the tea kettle on the stove. I had gone to the basement, started painting and couldn't hear it whistle. Now I heat the water worry free in the microwave.
That's one cool kettle.
Very nice and so shiny too! I have once of these, but it's white. I always turn it on then walk away and do something else and forget my cup of tea.
I'm waiting for the kettle that comes to you, teacup in hand, like Rosie the Robot from the 'Jetsons'! :)
You have no idea how many burned pans I have, because I start writing when in the kitchen and forget what is on the stove. Something similar to a turn off kettle would be great. R and I have a tea-making ritual: the water must be poured onto the tea leaves as it comes to the boil ... pot [re-heated, even the cups; that's the only time I truly concentrate.
This is great looking. My house is so small I always hear the roar of the kettle.
I have that same teapot and love love it! We mostly drink tea but have also been trying the Starbucks instant coffee packets. I must tell you it is the real thing...but strong!
This is a great teapot for you! I love tea, also, but I just heat my water in the microwave, by the cup, so if I forget, (and I often do) it just sits in the microwave until I need to use it again. I bought a stovetop kettle, but don't use it much any more. Microwave is faster.
Enjoy your "turn on".
I cant get onto the sight to see this kettle. Sounds good tho. My hubby cant hear the wistle anymore and it alerts me when I forget but one day I wont be hearing much either. I find the microwaved water doesnt stay hot very long like boiling it on the stove.
re: coyote story. It is a fictional short story of about 30 pages and I wrote it before computers so all I have is a type written version somewhere buried in a box!
cris, the second "Kettle" in red is the one to click on for the Cuisinart website. I tried it just now and it works. The first underlined "kettle' was a mistake but then I couldnt get the underline off.
This is giving me an idea for a gift for my husband. He's a tea drinker and is always calling from upstairs for me to put the kettle on for him, but he never seems to get downstairs in time to turn it off. And he would love the sleek looks of that vessel too. It would be a gift for me too.
That is a stunning photograph--such great use of shadowy spaces, Suki.
fabulous gift idea for sure in fact since it is electric, with a separate little base you set it on to heat the kettle, it is very portable to any nook and cranny. IE the electric cord is not attached to the kettle itself, but is attached to the base.
it's beautiful...
sometimes some of these modern inventions really solve some problem...
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