Here is my stack of books recently read. Yikes. However, some changes have happened that I do not like yielding to and which necessitate my finding a house of my own before Christmas. Now, please note I CAN yield to these changes of course, swallow my pride etc. But I am going to give it another try with the house search. I am changing my area of search. I'd like to live in Amherst. There are three colleges there and lots of books stores.
However, Amherst prices are high and the property taxes quite high too. Thus I am looking right now in Northfield. Quite a country feel, lower prices and about half an hour to Amherst. No bookstores, I don't know if there is a yoga class. There is a pizza place. I feel quite sick to my stomach again. Ah well.
Looks like lots of good reading for the winter. I can relate to the sitting, reading and sipping hot chocolate as I did a lot of that when we stayed in Wisconsin for the winter. I am NOT a winter person. You always have the Internet to keep in touch with friends.
That house problem just keeps cropping up. The right one has to come along soon.
Suki, I love stacks of books, more the stacks of unread than the stack of read books cause I don't have space to stack them:)
I see Elizabeth Gilbert, Kim pointed a video out to me, which I just love and listen and view regularly on youtube, here's the link but knowing you, you already know it:)
And I see you read Fred Vargas, haven't read her yet, do you like her novels?
ps: the house thing: find a house BEFORE Christmas? Wow...oh well, sometimes universe does bizarre things, perhaps something completly else will happen...
Sometimes we NEED the extra push to get something done. I really think now is the time to get that house because of how low the interest rates and houses are. Soon the houses will go back up and you will have missed out. We have friends who just got a great deal on a house by us because of the low cost of housing right now.
Not familar with where you are thinking of looking. How far from where you are now is it?
We found our place in November and a tad over 30 days moved in. so it can be done.
Oh and we moved 13 hours away from where we were living too.
Just go for it Suki. You can do it. Then you can sit and read in your new home.
Sounds easy your best to find a home before December and if that isn't possible, deal with the pride things and try again in the spring...meanwhile enjoy the wonderful stack of books! I wish you ease of mind!
Teri, I am NOT a winter person either. Sun and heat are my fav's.
Andrea, I have read Eat Pray Love and most of this Gilbert bk about a sort of mountain man she knows. I dont know that link so will check it out. I need to get rid of the stack of read books as I also dont want to lug them around.
Andrea, re: Fred Vargas. I have read maybe 3 of her books and find them most interesting. They are different. So yes, I do like her work so far.
Cris, I am rather sedentary and thus do need extra pushes sometimes. Northfield is one hour south of where I live, but in Massachusetts.
Lisa thanks.
Mary Anne, yes. Maybe it's all about the pride thing rather than buying a house. IE taking stock inwardly and swallowing my resistance and knowing that is okay. As Andrea says, the universe may present me with something else altogether.
Tbrow your pride in the river Suki and let if float away. If I was you I'd be itching to get my own place, have my independence, begin a new life in a new community. Life is too short to waste another minute in a difficult situation that is never going to change.
I hope you share your house search with us again. Good luck Suki, I hope it all goes well this time.
P.S. The books look fantastic - lots of juicy reading. I have always wanted to read the 'Last American Man' - must look it up in the library.
All the luck in the world with yet more house-searching. Maybe you could hunt in the morning when it is good daylight, and read in the afternoon to clear your mind of angst. Love, A.
So many books so little time.
Good luck with the house search.
Is your wonderful brother going to evict you and toss you into the snow by Christmas? I will come and throttle him. Just give the word.
Hugs and good wishes.
I love to see what you are reading. I enlarged and wrote down several authors and titles to look up on Amazon and then to see if they are at my library. Thanks for the list!
Happy house hunting!
half an hour is not too bad--- I live on an island about a half hour drive to any thing-- but I have noticed that I don't leave my house every day either. what a dilemma -- either choose book stores and a college town or lower taxes--hard choice.
you can do it Suki! may the force be with you!
have you looked into Greenfield? there are so many wonderful places out there. i lived in amherst--both south and north--when i was a student there and go back to the area often to visit friends. good luck!
Thanks for your response on my blog. Got it!!! ;-)
BTW you have enough books to hold you through a mighty winter in a new house half an hour from the closest books store, me thinks.
good luck can do it
By Christmas! That is not very much notice and forgive me, but this must have something to do with your brother? None of my bee's wax, but buying a house is not something to rush, however, if you must then put the details in spirit's hands and it can be done. Wishing you much peace so your stomach can be calm.xoxo
"Middlesex" jumped out at me. That is one of my favorite books, Suki.
oh... how cozy!
by the fire... reading books... drinking hot chocolate... cats around...
while it's soooooo cold OUTside!
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