The poppies are starting to bloom. Delicious. Remember everyone to press the petals once the poppy has gone by. They are gorgeous.

Today and the next few days are full of rain.! That's okay, it's kind of comforting, a cloak enclosing the land. Everything looks so green and bright.
What a stunning flower. I must try to grow these to feed my need for ORANGE.
poppies are always magical!
Guess we all need rain at times.
It has been raining at home, which is good for the garden. tonight I will go home and from Friday the sun is back.
Hope you are ok Suki!
Beautiful! I must try some in my garden!
i see the first photo and it's stunningly beautiful!
the barn and the sky in the background add to the beauy...
I love these bright red/orange poppies!!!! Yes, press them and use them in your art work!
I too like a little rain now and again. Hot here though. Want to trade sun for some rain?
Poppies are stunning, aren't they? I love the purple centers with the vibrant orange. Mother Nature knew about color harmony long before any of us!
I also like the bleeding hearts on the right ;)
Oh we have some of these down the street from us. So big and pretty. Wonder if I can sneak some leaves to press. LOL
Such a pure bright light red
Th first one I've seem this year!
Oh these are so beautiful Suki! I love the inside of that flower. Gee, ours are nowhere near blooming.
Kim, this is a plant my mom planted. maybe I can dig it up when i move and take it with me.
Marianne, the rain seems cosy today but 2 more days of it are to come.
Kathi, a nice addition to the garden for sure.
human being, oh too bad as the second picture is really the best of the inside of the poppy. although as you say in this one you get the sky and barn corner.
lynn, i would always opt for sun if i had a choice. these bright colored poppies fade to pale pink when pressed.
Elizabeth, this little garden gets all day sun maybe that's why the flowers bloomed early (for here)
lolo, thanks. i couldnt remember what those other flowers were called. i'd like to dive right into that poppy!
teri, that's funny that we would be ahead of you all here in the north country, poppy wise anyway.
I would press my poppy leaves if the deer hadn't delicatly nibbled it down to a stump
Poppies are one of my favorite flowers, so beautiful. It haas been raining here a week, and I am loving it.
i just loved stopping by your blog just now...
Beautiful colour in that poppy, they really are a joy!
Interested to see that you have been tortured by your self. Just so you know - you are not alone there! My cure for it is to be with people more and a little less time with myself, if that helps you a little :)
Mim, so sad. there are deer up here of course, but they havent nibbled anything yet.
kj, thanks you're sweet
Patti, i think you are right. i see very few people, no friends and this is taking a tole. people give one a "reality" check too which i need.
lovely poppies!
Wow, that brilliant orange in that sea of green--just WOW.
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