Shadows on the road formed by the sun shining on a series of round lanterns hanging on the buildings in this alley in Keene, NH.

A delightful lunch with my friend F. to celebrate her birthday. She will have her first show in New York City !! in May. She paints acrylics.
What a nice outing... lunch with an artist friend which includes lobster bisque and tiramasu...major spirit lifter! Enjoy your Spring days!
wow! you've 'hunted' great pics!
happy you had a great time out...
Wonderful, magical photos. I hope you have a great day!
Oh! These reflections are so delighful! I'm glad you had a fun lunch out. And congratulations to your friend on her show!
You have an artist's eye!
Congrats to your friend for her show. How exciting...NYC!!!
My mouth always waters when I see that cinnamon and raisin toast on your side bar, but now after reading about your dinner....
we're both up late Ms. Suki.
Good night, pleasant dreams .
sometimes one is just at the right place at the right time, that's what photography is all about. good luck to her and hugs to you always.
Are you sure these aren't stars that fell from the sky? They are so intriguing.
Good luck to your friend with her showing.
Wonderful (and wonde-filled) photographs, Suki.
What a good friend you are to take such joy in your friend's success. We all should have a good friend like you.
Those are great photos. Sounds like fun, the lunch with your friend.
i love it when a creative person "sees", and this is so cool to have seen!
suki, the weather and anticipation of warmth is helping me. i hope this is true for you?
i will be on the cape for much of the summer and the thought of that helps too. hows about you? :)
How nice to have an outing with a Friend and an Artist Friend too.
Cool photos. Isn't it nice to be able to 'SEE' things others don't take the time to notice..
BSD, the lunch was so delicious, I can taste it still. It did lift my spirits and I only wish I lived closer to my friend whom I've known since the mid-seventies.
Human Being, thank you. I havent been inspired to take any photos recently so was so happy to see these reflections on the alleyway road.
Annie, thanks a lot. Everyday magic for sure.
What a neat find! Good lunch , good friendship and good shadows! Perfect day.
Katie Jane, the show is very exciting for F. She was a botanist for many years and then began painting in her 50's so she is "new" to it all although she has had shows before in New Jersey.
Laurel, thanks. Up late? If you are going by the posting time it is usually wrong of off. I retire around 9 like clockwork unless something fun keeps me up which rarely happens.
soulbrush, interesting thought about photos and being in the right place at the right time. I never thought about it that way but yes, it must be true for many photographers. Although others of course pose or arrange what they will photograph with a lot of control and manipulation. I think I like the serendipitous way best.
Martha, I do take joy in others' success. I think there is a time for "glory" for each of us, a time when each of us receives recognition for what we are and what we do.
artist unplugged, it was fun--the lunch. should do it more often. i just dont have that many friends up here but if I stay of course i will try to find more friends.
Lisa, they do look like stars dont they. Amazing really. I should have taken a pic of the lanterns that were casting these reflections.
kj, the warmer weather is very good and inspiring and helpful to get me flowing and also out into the world more. although as I noted on today's post we have flakes of snow here today. How wonderful you will be on the Cape for most of the summer. That sounds glorious. So far I have no plans for the summer, but I am not good at plans. Though I have the two workshops, one in May and one in July to look fwd to.
Cris, of course i could have walked down this alley at another time of day and there would have been no reflections. I dont know if anyone could have missed this display. Thanks.
TeriC, it was a good day indeed. And lifts my spirits even now two days later.
I love finds like this in nature, on concrete, light and shadow, looks like wonderful found art to me.
congrats to your friend and her show in NY.
Lynn, I love shadows in particular. reflections of the original object or person.
UFO Reflections.
chewy LOL
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