Prayers and hugs for
Mim who's 95 year old Dad died yesterday.

Today is my son's birthday. The brother told me he would not be here for the meal, so I am driving the food to son's place and will prepare it there. Not as pleasant a place, however it saves me two back and forth driving trips. I am disappointed about the brother but I think new girlfriend holds more weight than sister and nephew. Probably that is healthy.

The amaryllis will open when I am gone I guess. I will leave on Saturday as Sunday may have more snow. A bit rushed for me, but the weather must play in my driving calculations. So, after this post I will shut down the laptop and pack it up to bring with me. See you all soon.
Blessings and safe travels, Suki. My thoughts are with Mim, as well.
Love to Mim and happy travels to you. Have a great time with your son.
Happy Birthday to Your Son! It will be nice for you two to share this special day together. Often things work out for the best, anyway. It sounds as though your brother has quickly moved into a new phase of his life...sometimes transitions are emotionally very difficult.
Now, you have a safe trip, relax and enjoy...I think that goes without saying when you go to The Cape!
celebrate and make new memories, that's all that counts. happy 40th b day son, realised my niece is also today...silly brother!!!!
I guess this is greeting you upon your arrive on the Cape. Look around for me so I can see it through your eyes/words later. ;-)
I am with you in prayer and thoughts for Mim today.
I am awed by how we are all so connected here, almost like a geographically distant family.
I think if we were closer in proximity your house would be filled with guests for your son's birthday and you'd have to make many more cheesecakes. Sorry your brother couldn't make other plans on this one day. But he has proven to me his selfishness already.
I hope the day was/is special for you and your son.
happy birthday celebration to mother and son. I'm sure it will be special!
Hurray, you're going to the Cape! Come back restored Suki, and do share your stories and photos when you can.
Safe journey!
My heart aches for Mim and the loss of her 'ally." XX
Enjoy your day with your son - safe driving. It's a shame your brother is not there but you two should have a great day (and more cheesecake....)
Beautiful flowers.
Have a safe, fun trip.
We'll leave the light on for you.
You know I will be thinking of you as you prepare a delicious meal, despite provocation. Love your flowers - and have a safe journey and a GOOD REST ! (P.S. I have found the Bath article ready to scan and send.)
Have a lovely trip and a lovely time with your son. Not to mention a lovely cheesecake.
Tomorrow we are celebrating my mother-in-law's 83rd birthday. I am making a lemon cake with lemon curd filling and strawberries on the top.
Hope you have/had a safe trip and a good time with your Son. I agree with Lynn on your Brother.
I love your bag.. so cool and to bad you will miss the bloom on your lovely flower. Oh well the Cape will more then make up for it. :)
Wishing you a safe trip Suki.
I love Lynn's idea of your home full of people and many cheesecakes! We are there in spirit at least!
happy birthday to your son!
many many happy returns!
lovely photos... wish you a joyous time away...
lots of love and hugs, Suki...
hope you have a great time on the cape! it's gorgeous here today!
Safe travel to you Suki and thank you so much for all the prayers and thoughts. You take care of yourself in that snow!
May you enjoy your time cooking dinner and being Ms Mommy Domestic...I hope you take some photos to share, Suki. <3
I'm wishing you a safe drive to Cape Cod and a wonderful change of scenery.
Happy Birthday to your son and happy cheesecake bites!
suki, i hope the cape wraps its arms around you, plants your feet steady and firm, and raises your arms toward the blanketed sky.
i know this is pretty gushy poetic but hopefully you know what i'm getting at. enjoy the place and space.
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