Thank you everyone for your vacation blessings of my previous post. The drive was great, not much traffic and the weather was dry. As I approached the Bourne Bridge, my heart thumped with joy. It is so lovely here. The red rose bouquet sits on my hosts table, left over from Valentine's day.

The view out the rear windows. Today we expect rain. So far I have mostly let the cats out, then let them in, then let them out. Sweet Romeo and Juliet. More soon.
i am super happy that you are now on the cape! i know it will do you a world of good. i'll be in ptown this summer and can't wait!
enjoy suki...
Happy you made it safe and sound.
Have a blast suki!
Good to hear you got there ok and to see a veiw. Have a good time there. I cant wait to see pictures you take and share.
PS.. get some pix of their cats too. :)
How wonderful you drove between rain and snow and the roads were dry! We went on a day trip on a dry day Friday and now home watching the rain.
Open to all reports and photos of the visit!
thanks KJ. It was so amazing to hit route 495 and see BROWN. No snow at all here on the Cape. A great place.
Annie thanks. I do hope to relax and have fun.
Cris, I'll be sure to photo Romeo and Juliet. They are such friendly guys.
BSD, well the roads were dry once I reached Massachusetts. Actually they were wet in NH and icy in places but okay. More later.
Can't wait to see more of Cape Cod.
Are the shops open this time of year? Artists busy displaying their wares? How far are you from the ocean?
We too had a dry drive to city and countryside yesterday and lots of sun, and now home again and it's pouring rain. Nice to be inside.
Henry V says hi to Romeo and Juliet. ;-) Have fun!
How many hours was your drive?
An adventure :-)
Oh how I wish I were there!! I'd love to live on the cape and be a part of their artists community.
I love the cape off-season without the crowds!!
Lucky Suki. I hope this restores you in every way :)
Pat the kitties for me!
Suki, I am so glad and relieved you arrived safely and have the simple joys of letting cats out and in etc etc. I so want to hear your stories of this time in Cape Cod (have I that right?), for the thought of it all captivates me, and I cannot say why. I must get out my big, heavy atlas and feast on where I think you are. Ann (from UK)
Maybe you have come home? So glad you made it safely. Enjoy your stay.
How lovely, the roses from Heart Day, the cats to keep you busy being door(man) and the views...I feel more relaxed just knowing you are...
Arriving safely - well done for navigating the snowy roads. The roses are just beautiful - what a welcome!
Do you know the origin of the Bourne Bridge? - I ask because Bourne is my married name. I know it means 'fast running stream' so the answer is probably an obvious one!
Lynn, some shops are open and others not. Many restaurants close but there are SO many restaurants around that many stay open. I can get to Nantucket sound in five minutes. Open ocean in 20 minutes. Cape Cod Bay in 20 minutes. My drive is five hours long counting the many rest stops i make.
Yes, but not as big an adventure as the ones you take Britt-Arnhild.
Laurel, the kitties say thanks for the pat from you! It is a lovely place, esp in this quiet time of year. I wish you were here to gad about with me from here to there too.
Ann, I am on the Nantucket Bay side of the Cape. For when you check out the map. Today was rainy or i would have taken a walk. So I tucked up inside and made phone calls and read. Well, I hope I can think up some stories to tell. I'll try.!
Katie Jane, hard to say. I find the house search or condo search whichever it will be so very difficult. I get confused. So I will try to intermingle such thoughts with fun things to do here. Visits with friends, trip to the beach, bookstores and thrift stores.
Teri, i must say it is good to be away from Mom's home with all the sorting still to be done, and the concerns about son. I do feel more relaxed and am kinda glad to be alone so i can "hang loose" so to speak.
Patti, there is also a town called Bourne, which is where i lived for most of my time on the cape. I should know the origin, but dont off the tip of my tongue. But where there is now a canal, there was once a stream. Manomet River I think if I recall correctly. Thanks for asking.
looks like a very interesting place. letting the cats in and out sounds like here. my dear sweet presley (a 16 year old min schnauzer) has been in and out all day. take care and have fun!
So happy you had an uneventful trip to that beautiful place. And flowers to make it even more perfect. I can't wait to see more.
Wow, I didn't realize it was such a long drive,,,,good to hear from you & know you hit no really bad weather.
So looking forward to your photograpy,,,thanks for taking us along, this is super!
I've never been there, so I'm really looking forward to it.
See you had a good trip!
Lovely roses to great you.
take care!
Enjoy the cape!
(Know you will enjoy it!)
julie, thanks for stopping by and say hi to Presley.
TeriC, hope I can remember to take photos. Sometimes I forget in the excitement of "travel."
Babs, ditto, I will try with photos. I do haave some sunrise photos to post today.
Thanks Marianne. Am enjoying sitting in the morning sun. Be well, Suki
Enjoy your visit, Sukie!
NO SNOW?! oh suki....
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