I ordered a red glass heart necklace from Lesley of
Glitz art glass in New Zealand. It's for Mom for Christmas. The bag it came in had this Kaitiaki design on the package. Kaitiaki is the Maori word for protector or guardian. The design on the envelope "represents ....New Zealand's role in watching over the mail."

The heart necklace came in this sweet handmade paper gift bag. I "met" Lesley on
Kim's blog. Kim did an inspiring interview with Lesley. See Kim's sidebar to find a link to the interview.

Here is the necklace Lesley made. Isn't it beautiful? I hope Mom likes it. She loves jewelry. She loves red and she loves glass. Maybe I'll give it to her for her birthday on December 8th rather than wait till Christmas. I don't know yet.
Suki, you are so smart. I would not have known that about that design on the package. That's really neat.
The gift bag is lovely and so is the necklace. If you give her the neclace now, then you can have more fun scavanging for a new gift for Christmas!
Katie Jane, I wish I were smart but all that info is actually written on the bag itself next to the logo. !!
Hee hee...just read the other two comments about the logo.
Suki, this is fabulous. What a great find and thoughtful gift. I promise not to tell!!!
OK, just to a super quick peek at Glitz art glass and am love with all those glass beads. I have made lots of glass bead jewelry and those are right up "perfect street"
Oh it is gorgeous!! WOW! Great gift.
Oh how lovely SUki!
I love Lesley´s beads! I really hope to buy some of her jewelry for myself one day, I just love the chakra beads.
This present is perfect for your mother! She will love it!
Have a nice weekend
Hug >M<
i love red too, this is magnificent. oooh don't wait, time is too short!
This is a beautiful necklace - your mom will love it. I'm with giving when you have something to give. I hardly ever wait for that special occasion. I sent my niece her christmas present already and then for christmas I'll send her something small just as a "hello".
By the way, I can see all your pictures
very cool! hopefully your mom doesn't read your blog ;-)
my littlest grandson will have his second birthday on december 8! my youngest daughter will be 25 on december 6--yay for saggitarians! (sp?)
nice gift and i love it when gifts have stories--it makes them even more special!
Karen, yes, there were a number of Lesleys things I'd have like to have gotten for myself. But (is it horrible to say this?) someday I'll inherit all mom's jewels so this will probably come my way.
Teri, thanks. Hope mom feels the same way.
Marianne, the chakra beads were the first thing i wanted to buy from Lesley but then it felt so indulgent so I decided to buy this for mom first. I still hope to get the chakra bracelt soon though.
soulbrush, You know you are right. Maybe switch this to birthday and even give it sooner than Dec 8th as Mim says. You never know.
Mim, I like your idea of giving when you have something to give. Less pressure somehow too. I'll post about the picture thing this morning (Sat). It is odd.
thanks Mary. Mom doesnt read my blog though up until about a year ago she did use the computer and do emails. Wwell, Happy b-day to your grandson and daughter. Cheers, Suki
what a fantastic gift, she is going to love it!
Thanks M. Heart
Hi Suki,
I am so glad this has arrived and you (and others) have found Lesley's glass as beautiful as I have. You should just go ahead and order those chakra beads and enjoy them to be sure. I have a chakra bracelet from her and wear it all the time...and receive lots and lots of compliments, as well.
Here is a smile, I think maybe your mother and Lesley are the same sign...Lesley's birthday is the end of this month! How cool is that!
Your mother is going to love this gift. I can't wait to see a photo of her wearing it!
This is gorgeous Suki. Your Mom will love it! I nearly always give presents immediately - I can never wait till a prescribed date. No time like the present! No apology for the pun! :)
Now thats funny. This didnt come to my list I have of new blog posts. so I missed it. and it is a lovely necklace I would have hated missing. I love hearts too. Your Mom is going to love it.
Your Mom now does emailing? How wonderful. Yes give it to her soon.
Suki, Beautiful, just beautiful.
What a stunning necklace and I bet your Mom will love it!!
Kim. Isnt this so wonderful??? I cant wait to see it on Mom either. Lesley is so talented. That's some coincidence about the birthdays. Yes, they must be the same sign. Is it Capricorn? I should look it up. thanks for introducing Lesley to all of us bloggers.
Patti, you are so sweet. This is esp true with mom as who knows if she'll be here at Xmas or even her b-day.
Cris, Mom used to do email but since I moved up here she has stopped using the ocmputer. Mostly she emailed me.
Thanks blue sky dreaming and lynette. I'll let everyone know Mom's reaction when I give it to her.
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