Photos: An altar I set up in my studio for Dad. Photos of Dad and Mom. The urn my brother chose for Dad's ashes (that grey box which is very heavy), flowers, paintings in the back that I did of Dad. An eagle's head and another bust that Dad liked.
An orchid at my friend D's
The up country corn field now plowed clear (or whatever you would call that).
Newly fallen leaves.
I thought the leaves were rose petals...... Nice picture.
Maybe autumn makes you think about things who are in the past.....
take care! >M<
Oh my Gosh. It will be FIVE years Oct 22, that my Dad died. How can that be? Our Dads both passed away in the month of October.
My eyes were glued to that gray box before I knew what it was. Interesting. Lots of history here Suki...a special time of year for you all these anniversaries. I hope its sweet times mixed with the sad.
I am still enamoured with that pink floral elephant in the prior post. I want to find a pattern and make one for myself! I just love it. I have knit an elephant for a friend's child, but I want a cloth one! For ME!!!
My dad both was born in and died in October. I think he died around the 3rd. (1972)
Lots of memories stirred up for you Suki. An altar is a lovely way of honouring your Dad.
Going through things that have been in storage can be quite confronting emotionally. Good that you had the break in Cape Cod. Take care x
Somedays an accounting soothes the soul. I hope that was the case for you today . . .
Time marches on but the furrows in the sand come from so many sources.
I so enjoy sitting quietly at your site and watching/hearing you "be." It is instructive for me as I learn to slow down my rhythms and connect more deeply with life. I have, by nature, always fought to pave the way. Now that I am "ripening" I seek to absorb more, hear more, say less.
(On that note this rambling post must end . . . )
I have been thinking a lot about people and things I have lost too.
I love your new header and the new blue color. Also beautiful photos with this post.
Marianne, nice thought to be wading in rose petals. Maybe going back to my old home grounds too made these landmarks arise in my thoughts.
Cris, And Oct is also my birthday month. Dad died four days before my birthday.
Lynn that's so funny about the elephant. It is cute. You'll have to show us the one you make. Surely there's a pattern out there somewhere, even on the internet. I wish i'd been in on the selection process for Dad's box, as I'd never have chosen this one. My bro did it by himself, now saying "No one wanted to choose a box, so I did it." Don't think I was asked to choose. Oh well. October, a month for dying I guess. As i said above i was born in Oct too. so guess the month is accumulating lots of meanings.
Patti, thanks for acknowledging that going through stuff in storage can be an emotional experience. I think that's why I was so tired when on the Cape (that's where the storage unit is---5 hours from Mom's house) and even now that I'm home I am soooo tired and feel sobby inside.
Debbie thanks for your lovely words. I do think I am a "be" er rather than a big doer. My main "job' here with mom is mainly just "being". I'm doing a bit of this and that for her like laundry and dinner and chores and driving, but being here as the walks the path of old age is the most significant I think.
Annie, maybe it is something about saying goodbye to the warmth and light of summer that puts us in this mood of contemplation of our lives. Not sure. be well, Suki
Suki, this is a very reflective time for you. I can understand that and in that reflection sometimes we find a closeness, too.
I wish for you some soothing time and am sending you positive energy for this time.
Suki, Your photo altar seems like a re-confirming, a statement of your past to your present now...a beautiful way to begin again. The orchids are wonderful. I kept my father's ashes until my mother passed and then I had them both scattered together as they were so helped me in my grieving. Mary Ann
and my favourite auntie essie died on 10 october 1964, and i still miss her.
a good post suki, remembering and reminiscing and justing bringing it all back again to look at one more time. thanks.
Thanks for the positive energy Kim. I guess it is a reflective time for me. Also, soon my 63rd birthday which is a rather non-exciting birthday. I hope to give myself the treat of a facial for my present to me. But that's neither here nor there. Such landmarks do call up a reflective part of myself.
Blue Sky Dreaming, thanks for your thoughs. When Mom saw Dad's ashes box she decided she wanted to be buried. I have thought about burying Dad's ashes with her so they can be together.
Oh Soulbrush. YOur dear Aunt Essie who we bloglanders kinda feel we know a little bit. Oct 10. I will think of her and of you then. blessings, Suki
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