Right now, Mom is at the rehab center again and doing well according to herself and the physical therapy people. She is walking quite a bit in the halls with her walker. She is doing the exercises. And she says cutting down on her pain pills.
Mom, the nurse and pt people and I meet last week and determined she would stay two more weeks. A time frame suggested by the doctor. However, she really wants to come home. It is possible, if the Doctor agrees, that she'll return home on Friday.
Of concern though is that she is losing weight, even though she eats well, for her. Like a bird, most would say. She's always been a bit heavy so losing weight is a sign of something.
Meanwhile SIL across the street has had the last rites. So I guess she feels her end is near. She refuses however to take morphine as she associates that with "the end." It has been one year since her first symptoms arose. She began falling a lot. However, only 6 months since she received her diagnosis.
Suki, I hope you Mom get go home soon and be well there again, now that it is springtime.
I'm so sorry for your SIL, it is frightening that things get so bad in such a short time, adn one knows that it will end with death and has to cope with it. Very frightening. Your way of saying things as they are, always, is very comforting. Your words are detached but loving.
ps: I still often play with the cat, when I come here, I can't help it:):)
Thanks for the update on Your Mom and SIL. So sorry about your SIL.
So happy Mom is doing better.
Hope she can come home soon.
kiss her for me.
Your SIL in on my prayers.
Thank you all. Andrea an interesting ocmment that i seem detached. When I ask my bro how his wife is doing, he often answers with a list of medical symptoms using medical language and of course i usually mean how is she doing emotionally and psychologically. Maybe I too do the same thing, saying how someone is doing via their physical symptoms rather than plunging into the emotional issues. Odd, as i am pretty emotional and like to talk about things via an emotional venue. just some thoughts your comment provoked in me. Thank you for your perspective.
PS I often play with the cat too.
I hope your Mom settles in at home soon. Home is always the best place to be when your're recovering from illness.
It is sad to hear about your SIL. We humans are amazing the way we fight till the end. I hope she finds some peace soon.
Suki. I meant to comment on the doll. It is a pretty doll. Did some one make it for this purpose..for someone to win it?
oops.. you did say someone made the dress. What a lovely thing to win.
My goodness, you have alot on your plate. How are You doing (with the emphasis on you.) Being a caretaker/onlooker is very hard.
I cannot imagine dealing with all this illness and near death. Not at all surprising that your brother and you might find new ways of reporting what is going on, progress up or down, in ways that keep you at arms length from such harsh realities.
All I can think to do is send my healing thoughts, positive energy, and hugs to all of you. I hope your SIL does not feel she must suffer pain whether it's the end or not yet the end being near. She should be comfortable no matter how much time she has left to live. I pray she will allow herself this relief.
Cris, I think the doll was purchased and then the dress crocheted esp for raffle at the rehab as this year there is another doll there to be raffled.
Mim, i am a very selfish person underneath and find taking care of just me is quite enough. so taking care of Mom really draws some part of me out that has been latent. Although at one time I worked hands on as a "homemaker" with elderly people and also much earlier as a nurses aide in a hospital. As both my parents were caregivers too I guess it's in the family. Besides that I am not in my own territory. I'm 5 hours away from where i lived for 30 years and havent yet due to the weather had a chance to try to find some friends up here. Not a sob story. But just filling you in on the background picture.
Lynn I pray for that very thing too. I pray that SIL will choose comfort and freedom from pain over any "idea" she has about morphine. i can see her window from Mom's bedroom and each day I bow and pray towards it.
thank you all for your thoughts and prayer. It is an interesting journey for sure.
thanks for this update, so pleased to hear about your mom, hope she comes home soon.
i feel for you all having to watch and wait with your sil, that is the hardest, your poor brother, my deepest thougths go out to you all.
Glad your mom can come home soon. Mine has te stay in Rehab, next week we will hear more.
Losing weight is a worry, but it can also be turned around again, my mother has gained a little weight again after losing a lot after her stroke, so remain positive! You and your mom will be in my thoughts.
(glad I found the update I was looking for, have been reading your posts the other way around)
Take care.
Suki, they will teach us so much in their later years...I'm grateful for the chance to learn, although I do complain about it an awful lot sometimes.
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