Thursday, November 29, 2007

AED untitled poem about Dad first draft

Because you asked about my father
I will tell you he planted apple trees.
The apples were large and worm free,
plenty for pies and applesauce.
For hours he sat in the barcalounger
reading books such as these:
The Radicalism of the American Revolution,
Cosmogenesis, Quantum Reality.
On weekends there was football or baseball.
He collected stamps, played chess, developed
photographs, looked at the stars.

He was happy, the story goes,
to spend his last years isolated,
except for Mom, in a people barren
He must have been lonely. Who
shared his interests? Mom read romance novels.


Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Nice to meet your Dad. My Dad would have gone crazy not being around people. Unless he had a computer & even then he would have not liked it. He loved skiing in the cold climate which is why we ended up living in a snow community when I was a child but he always had people around. now my Mom was happy alone. Interesting different people can be.

Lynn Cohen said...

It was interesting to hear about your father, Suki. I wonder if you have any memories to share about interactions between the two of you? I have very few of those myself, mine was a workaholic.

Good luck in the cold studio...I hope the new heater will bring you a warmer place earlier in the day.

And nice that you got yourself out and about to be around people.

Unknown said...

Sweet poem illustrating a very interesting person. His books!
I like this poem. Be well out there in a peoplebarren space!

Sara lechner said...

I am also happy to be alone. so alone you can be in a house with so many family living in their own appartments in the farm. i can understand your dad. i also read my books, which are really only my books because nobody in my environment reads them. my husband is always working outside and me inside, like these old thermometers with the house where the 2 little figures went in and out. Only that we always keep our place...
and thank you for the comments in my blog. i like always your comments, they mean something.