Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Season's Greetings

May all my bloggy friends have a wonderful holiday however you celebrate.  (I am inordinately proud of myself--as I figured out how to add text via my photo program.)


kj said...

and you dare say you're not an artist?!!! this is beautiful in every way, suki.

Mystic Meandering said...

And warm Seasons Greetings to you as well! Lovely scene :) I would have no idea how to add the words to the painting! Congratulations! :)

old pajamas said...

Oh, good for you...

sukipoet said...

thank you Karen. !!

Thank you Mystic. I did it in the photo program. "Add Text" but it didnt format correctly and it would have to be a short poem

thanks old pajamas, you figured out how to post your comment. huzzah.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Love your poem and the card is so sweet. Doesn't it feel good to learn a new trick?.

Mir Stella said...

Happy Holidays Suki - have a wonderful Christmas

sukipoet said...

Thank you Lisa. Hope you have a lovely holiday

thanks Mim. Best wishes for a lovely holiday season.