Thursday, May 08, 2014


Dawn. A 22 by 30 sheet of Stonehenge art paper,
two 4B pencils, a jar of Sumi-e ink and brush.
The artist sets out her tools on the table.
Short meditation, then begin. She does not imitate
the scene out the window, the rolling hills, the barn.
The work unfolds from inside out. Formed and formless.
Paper fills with shades of grey,white, brush -strokes of black.
All that she knows and wills comes forth in ink and lead.
Dusk, the artist’s chair stands empty.
Tools strewn across the table. She disappears.
Although a sharp eye might see her
in a wash of ink, a shadow, negative space.


Cris, Oregon Artist said...

I can visualize this so well and it goes well under your self portrait in your header too. :) Did you do that self portrait?

kj said...

It's a gem, suki; to describe a self portrait in words--'the work unfolds from the inside out.

Brilliant. Be prepared for first place with this one


sukipoet said...

Cris. thank you. Yes, I did that portrait but it would be a me of many years ago.

Mystic Meandering said...

Ooooo - lovely! "The work unfolds from inside out. Formed and formless." Oh yes - brilliant! :)

Robin said...

Cris posted my FB thoughts... it takes a true Artist to make one see the painting *only* with your words!


♥ Robin ♥

sukipoet said...

Thanks KJ. Your comments make me feel like a "real" poet!

sukipoet said...

Thanks Mystic. I am blushing.

sukipoet said...

You are too kind Robin. I feel inspired to continue.

Lynne with an e said...

So much value in negative space.

You draw such vivid pictures with your words.