Saturday, September 07, 2013

Taking a trip

Am renting a little place on the Cape for a month.  This seems like a long get-away.  But I can always return early.  Cracked my toes on the bed-frame the other day.  Hope they will be okay for driving.  Feel lonely without my Bibitty.

A friend in the mid-west discovered, while playing around on-line, that there is a Buddhist group not far from me.  They hold Sunday meditation and study groups with pot-luck meal afterwards.  I am in shock.  Knew nothing about this.  When I return I will have to investigate.  They are based on Thich Nhat Han's teaching and several of the organizers have lived in Plum Village.

I am not prepared for the long winter.  If I am to be here in NH I had wanted to switch my gas fireplace for a woodstove.   The trailer is impossible to keep warm.  It is very windy here and the cold just whistles through the underneath part of the trailer.

Just random thoughts.

(photo is of an oil pastel by myself)


Kelly M said...

How wonderful that you discovered that there is a Sangha nearby. That is the sort of discovery that has saved my sanity when I was in a desolate place yearning for contact with my tribe. Hugs, K

Annie said...

Suki, so wonderful that you have discovered the Sangha! This will give you something to look forward to and a place to connect.
Life is lonely without the furbabies
Have a wonderful trip, will you do a little house hunting?
Love and hugs,

Lynn Cohen said...

Suki that pastel art piece is very serene and peaceful looking. Beautifully done. Recent or past?

I wsh you a pleasant respite on the cape.

I hope you get whatever changes need to happen to assure you a warm winter residence. Comfort is everything.

Looking forward to hearing what your connection to that Buddhist community will bring.

Hope the toes heal quickly. Go have some fun.

Mystic Meandering said...

I'm supposed to be on a little "sabbatical" but I popped onto blog for a minute :)
So glad for your long get-away. I'm envious!
And what a wonderful find about the Buddhist community near you!
Everything falls into place somehow it seems...
Delightful art piece. Love the colors.
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy :)

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

Enjoy your month at the beach! Might you consider a winter in town...a room, a studio? Close to library, coffee house, people and Buddhist community? You could always drive out and visit the property and save yourself the money on fireplaces and furnaces. Just an idea?!

Mim said...

I love that pastel also, it's beautiful.

winter in NH? nah....find someplace warmer and wait out the winter by the ocean somewhere.

kj said...

No winter in New Hampshire: I second that nah!
Winter on the cape. Stay until spring. Prices are dropped until may 15. Suki, you should not be cold and drafty. That is not good spiritual practice!

I hope when you get here, with your friends , you feel the way you want to....

So sorry about bibbity


patti said...

So glad you have found a possible respite in the Sangha!Stay warm Suki!

Enjoy your break away from it all!

Seth said...

That painting is wonderful. Enjoy your time in the cape!

sukipoet said...

Lynn the artwork is fairly recent.

Blue Sky I have had fleeting thoughts about being in a room in town for the winter. An interesting idea. Thanks.

layers said...

I am sorry for the loss of your kitty.. that Buddhist meditation group sounds wonderful.. thank you leaving such supportive comments at my blog posts on my health issues and artist block. Meditation helps.

Unknown said...

a beautiful pastel - I have never made friends with pastels myself :)

hope your respite brings you the rest you need - it sounds like you are finding good strategies for facing the winter - it sounds like your getting away is helping

Umā said...

Good for you Suki! Enjoy!