Change Comes
The new road, black and rough edged
scars the snow whitened field.
A dump truck, bed raised,
squats at the tree line.
Some prehistoric beast.
The sound of guns so close
she thinks they're in her kitchen.
The new people
target practice.
Come spring they will blast
for a basement.
For now, she sits in the private
embrace of the field.
Basks in the sun window
feet propped on the wall
notebook in her lap.
The turtle rock.
Slush-water in the brush-cleared pond.
Suki 2013
I really need a better title. Any suggestions?
Gosh no Suki, the title is perfect (to me), I love it- 2003? wow that long ago- it is timeless.
Beautiful words to describe the impending encroachment.
Your poetry is always beautiful: then and now.
I like your title but here is a suggestion that came to me as I read it...."Change Is Life".
I would also suggest you write a poem for the prompt at The prompt this week (tomorrow) is 'deams'.
oops, make that prompt "Dreams"
Lovely poem. How about the scars of change. I feel that way about the old farm house I have always loved and painted. they seem to have scared the landscape with remodeling. My Girlfriend always said Nothing stays the same things are always changing.
oops Soulbrush I meant 2013
thanks for the suggestions everyone. I'll keep them in mind. Also Teri thanks for the link. I'll check it out
Oh dear, target practice!!? Next thing you know they'll be shooting the animals as well... Our next door neighbor does with his pellet rifle - shoots squirrels and rabbits, and then they crawl over here and die, as we are only about 30 feet away from each other. Am sorry that your new neighbors have created this uncomfortable environment for you! Unfortunately it's the way of change these days...
I like the with the observations that move through recognized changes...lovely words!
Mystic Meanderings said a good title for something...The way of change..
I love your image.. fits my aesthetic of black white and umber.. and your poem is wonderful
I read your poem, and was not surprised that I was able to step into it and see and feel what you are saying because your poetry always "talks" to me. Then I read through the comments and, in doing so, I realized that your words after the poem did not, as I had thought, say "I need a better life--any suggestions" but instead were "I need a better title." Phew! The pressure's off.
louciao, haha i'll take suggestions for a better life too!!
i think it's the perfect title
Beautiful ~
Fielding Thoughts of Nevermore
Suki, Lovely poem, sorry about the guns, I have them next door too.
I think the title is perfect.
It's me, (aka the *Working Girl*) and I am late to comment. The poem - as always - is striking in its power and imagery. Ooooh....the guns...dreadful.... makes me seem like a real *City Girl*.... but the thought of them going off and maiming/killing animals is so awful....yet, I know this routinely happens all over the States...
I digress... as for the Title - although I adore Willow's - I like your original one.
♥ Robin ♥
I love this - I can see and feel everything. I think you should keep the title - but I was going to suggest "guns in the kitchen" which is tongue in cheek on my part but quite ominous to a fresh reader. I'm so sorry about the guns - ours isn't target, but hunting and it's quite far off - it is an awful sound to hear on an early sunday morning.
I see it all, hear it all. It is about change so why change the title?
Hearing/reading what you write on facebook too. So is the plan to move away from this area? Is this one more good reason?
i like the title as is -- but the guns in the kitchen offering was certainly a grabber !
i like the title as is -- but the guns in the kitchen offering was certainly a grabber !
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