a pair of fingerless gloves from merino wool. I knitted them on #10's because smaller needles are difficult for me. However, they would be tighter on smaller so hope soon I will "get" knitting on smaller needles.
basically i went from knitting scarves in garter stitch, to trying to knit an easy sweater. the yarn store didnt have the recommended italian yarn. the proprietor gave me this part acrylic part wool yarn which i dont really like but oh well. the sweater is knit in four pieces. i am almost done with the front. I have to pray all four pieces will fit when it is time to sew them together.
i made a gauge but it came out half an inch too small. however, since i had just purchased new #15 needles, i didnt want to drive for an hour to buy some # 17's so just proceeded. ( if your gauge comes out too small you should go up in needle size). i am knitting a medium size sweater which seems gigantic despite the too small gauge.
Suki I am so proud of you!!! Your red mitts came out well/perfectly well! they look cute on you. Over a sweater they should fit fine.
And the even knitting on the sweater front looks good too. You will block the sweater when done and measure as you go so it will fit together fine. If it's too small in size well you can give it or sell it away. LOL I hope it fits you and can be blocked out that extra half inch. Should be fine. Happy to see you enjoying knitting. And branching out past scarves!
Oh what fun you are having. That's the important part.. of course you do like to wear what you make but its looking good. Knitting drove me nuts tho. Maybe because my Knitting needles were to long and to big.
The mitts look great! I haven't knitted in years. Enjoy the challenge!
It all looks gorgeous to me!
I confess to being a non-knitter - although I totally love to wear knitted thingies...I would never have the patience to create them!
BRAVA to you!!!!
♥ Robin ♥
After all your hard work knitting the sweater I hope it fits. I like your fingerless gloves. They look comfy.
Suki you bring a smile to my life. :) I love your fingerless hand warmers! I could never get the hang of knitting, so I turned to crocheting afghans - simple and straightforward; nothing that anybody had to actually wear! LOL
I had such trouble figuring out the gauge that I became a knitter of shawls and afghans...great way to get lost in a meditation.
Love seeing the sweater when you are done!
I am so in awe of you persevering and learning to do this--it gives me hope! I have half heartedly tried to learn to knit a few times but gave up...these days it appeals to me on a lot of levels...i would love to find a group like the one you have found! carry on!
Someday I will learn to knit, but not yet. I think you are doing very well for a start. xoxo
Good for you! It'll all work out.
Well as a non-knitter I'm impressed. I'd have the sleeves coming out of the back and the gloves backwards, no doubt about it.
Wow, I envy you your ability. For years, I have wanted to knit, but my fingers get all balled up. I have basically given up trying.
The mitts are awesome, Suki...I love them! xx
Adventures in knitting! The red mitts look heavenly for keep your hands toasty warm .... I love the fingerless kind for in the house. When my hands are cold my whole self is cold! Good luck with your sweater. The blended wool sounds good for ease of care .... You be glad to be able to wash it
Suki, I am proud of you, too. Knitting is something I have started trying to learn many, many times in my life but have never gotten past the scarf stage. Sometimes you can pick up knitting needles at Goodwill and other thrift stores. I once managed to accumulate a pair in each size for about .25 per pair. I no longer have them, though, since I am such a purger.
this is too fantastic- a knitter - you are now a knitter Yahoooo.
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