"Suffering can open a window in the closed wall of your life and allow you to glimpse the new pastures of creativity on which you are called to walk and wander." Pg 166
Exploring Our Hunger to Belong by John
acrylic painting made in the early '70's and never finished. It has been in the barn and is sort of dirty though I tried to wipe it off a bit. It is more doors than windows but same idea.)
It is unbelieveable to me that you might have something so old in your posession. I don't have much of anything this old. Maybe a piece of jewelry or a journal. I like the colors of this piece. Do you feel that doors are opening for you? Walk right in...
Well, maybe now is a good time to finish it. It still looks so bright and beckoning. Very vibrant colors. I like it. Work on it some more - or, actually, I like it just as it is. Simplistic.
I like it too - very vibrant
I'm in awe of you that you would still have something from the seventies! My paintings from that time are long gone.
The painting reminds me of my kitchen I had at the time. The colours are similar...really strong. That kitchen fed a whole group of people everyday and I like to think it's because of the bright colours on the walls.
Suki, this isn't my painting, but I would sure call it finished, myself! It is wonderful...truly! You should take it out and hang it up or offer it up for sale in a gallery (go ahead and sign it)! I really, really love this a lot! It reminds me of a meditation I do from time to time!
I love this quote, too! I really needed to hear it this morning. I will look up this book. Do you recommend it?
Thanks so much for sharing. I really love this painting! Oh, I also have things stored from the 70's, but they are not this good!
i agree completely with kim, it is finished and i love it, do sign it and do hang itor sell it, i would buy it. so many interpretations of this is possible. lovely.
Looks finished to me. Bright and optimistic.
It is beautiful, fresh and vibrant and the quote is perfect!
Suki. I love the painting - as is!
It is STRONG and HOPEFUL and the fact you have re-discovered it after all this time is a not-too-subtle message that doors ARE opening for you.... go through them, my friend....
Check your e-mails......I received a beautiful piece of art and an extraordinary card yesterday....
Love to you and Bibs,
♥ Robin ♥
Suki, that is a great quote and I agree. Open those doors and windows and be free.
Hugs. xoxo
Suki, anon is me :-).
i agree with kim completely. the perspective and color in this painting is very wonderful.
Doors have windows in them too. This is a vibrant piece of art. Maybey you didnt realized you had finished it. I see you said you are continuing packing..??
I love your header too. I dont think I have said so before.
Kim, John O'Donohue was a Catholic priest. I am not Catholic or even very religious but I love this man's writing which is very soulful and multilayered. He died in his sleep at age 50 a few years ago. This particular book I just open each morning to wherever, and read for inspiration.
the painting is rather large, 32 by 50 inches. thank you all for your kind comments
the reason i have things from the 70's is because i am or rather was a saver. I have things from my childhood in the 40's plus things that were my grandparents.
However, I can no longer keep all these things as I still have no home, only a storage unit. I think people that can save old stuff usually own a home with an attic or whatever.
People who wander like me, just create a burden for themselves with all the saving saving saving.
I let go of a ton of old stuff when i left my 20 year rental 6 years ago.
this item was up here at Mom's.
Interesting quote and painting. I am currently working on a quilt for the latest challenge called Door(s). I am looking at and back at my life through the many doors I have stepped through the past seven decades! Very mind opening and rewarding. I wish you many more doors and windows to go through and discover yourself in.
What would you do to finish this, Suki? I see it as complete - the spaces leave so much room for possibility...
I also think that it's really fitting that you found this old painting at this time in your life for a couple of reasons.
Firstly because it's old and you have been reviewing much of your past in your Mom's home, and secondly because of what it says about you then and now.
I love this and I am so inspired to open that closed door!
I am not a saver either. I have the physical space but know that clutter takes up too much space in my mind. So better to let it all go, except what's truly special.
Yes, it IS a very nice painting Suki,,and it looks finished to me also.
I think it got saved for this exact time,and like Cris said, doors have windows too.
Maybe one of your 'future' doors???
I don't think it was coincidental that you happened upon this recently.
I think you need to choose a door.
Either one would be the right choice because it would be different from the one you have been going through for the past two years.
New doors are beckoning you.♥
I think it says it all when you painted it but if anyone is voting...I say hose it off and paint it today...new windows, new doors with all you have learned on your journey...bring it to now! If you are sending it on it's way it would be a good update...a send off!
very vibrant colorful striking shape painting.. love the quote too.
this invites us to open the door
to go out
to change
so lively!
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