I worked on this further, painting over the blurred writing and redoing it. Changing the colors. I still need to do a few coats of iridescent paint, the color to be determined. The only thing I don't like so much is the fact that it is on paper as the paper curls up with the wetness of the paint.

In my little 4 by 4 inch book I have been painting pages a background color. I guess the paint was too wet as it loosened the glue binding so I'll have to rebind it when I'm finished decorating.

Here is one page complete I think. I painted the background after gluing down the houses, using watercolor pencil.

And here is the second collage on paper in its current phase. This too can use glazes of iridescent paint and something else too, though what I am not sure. It is hard to focus this week what with Thanksgiving looming and also the new house search in gear. The weather has been great so far so fingers crossed that it will continue. Happy Thanksgiving to all, in case I don't post again for awhile.
your book is turning out quite lovely.. Happy Turkey day!
You are being quite creative what with all that is going on in your life right now. I do hope you can enjoy the Thanksgiving Feast. Cheers.
Such fun these pages. Happy Thanksgiving (26th I believe).
I enjoy reading about the experimenting you are doing and how these pages are evolving. I too am experimenting with a journal and having gesso and glue/mod podge come up after drying, leaving holes in paint where none were before etc. My pages seem to stick together too. Too much podge perhaps!? LOL
I am learning. From others like yourself and my own dabbling.
And yes, it's a wonder, you are painting and gluing at all with all you are needing to do just now.
Happy holidays to you Suki, and happy and productive house hunting too. I love the OM-ing in that picture. I hope it's out there and you snag it at a good price.
I just mailed off Lisa's book to you this noontime. Enjoy. It's full of goodies.
"Home Sweet Om... Om" I like that!
I love these little houses Suki! And the fact that OM is in hOMe is pretty cool too!
I adore your "home sweet home" page! So colorful and happy-looking. The first painting is interesting. Would love to see that in person.
Have a happy Thanksgiving. We aren't doing anything special. Just the two of u.
Its all looking good. Lovely colors too. This time you are creating while looking for you new home. Thats good. Keep that left side of brain in line by keeping the right side of brain going. Then you cant over think yourself out of the next home you find. :))
The third photo is loaded with charm and whimsy...I like the big circle on the left corner.
What lovely book!!
And such small pages. I always admire your collages Suki!
Hope thanksgiving will be great. Soon you will be thankful for having your own place.
Have a good time!
Love your collage projects, Suki. I've been reading your posts from my inbox at gmail but when I try to comment, I get the message that your email at comcast is not being used anymore. Do you have a different reply route? Maybe I should reload? Take care and I love the new projects you are involved in--and you started a new novel! Fantastic!
what a lot of lovely stuff suki. you are so busy and it lloks satisfying. happy thanksgiving to you too dear heart.
Love how this book is evolving. What a fun little project to keep picking up and working on.
Happy Thanksgiving Suki. I do hope you enjoy family, peace and rest!
I love that first page in your book! Good work all around. xoxo
Suki, I really like the 3rd picture,,,the houses are so right, the composition great. All the elements hold such interest.
Happy Thanksgiving, however small,,it's a lot to celebrate.
New things coming in your new year,,,that's exciting!
I will soon secure cigar boxes full of old dried flowers. I hope you enjoy working them into a project...
oh... that beautiful collage...
your tiny book is sooooooooo cute!
and each time i come here i forget to tell you how i love your new header... stones and dried leaves... my favorites...
love and peace to you
i love what you are doing with your little journal....the little houses are so cute...i have found that my moleskine journals work best with my watercolors and light acrylics but haven't tried it with glue...
it is going to be lovely when you finish it and you have inspired me to dig mine back out and give it a go...yours is wonderful!
Happy Thanksgiving, Suki, a little late but it comes from my heart:) Love the home sweet home pages,
have a wonderful Sunday
I especially like the finished double-spread pages with the houses. And that your journal is 4x4 inches. Charming!
These are great Suki - always like your collages.
Hello Suki,
I love what you are doing with this special little book. It seems like you are working out some of the questions you have been having. Ah, what a lovely way to do that and then you will have a treasure of the process! Now how wonderful is that? Digging deep down to create this book will probably uncover the answers to those questions!
Suki, you are amazing!
well, 4"x4" is the smallest I have seen-- but it looks like you have fun-- and at this time of year with so much going on-- perhaps small is best.
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