Do foxes wear gloves? These flowers and herbs returned to my garden this year so I relented and weeded and tidied the area up. I had planned to ignore it this year.

Such lovely bells. I bought these two foxgloves last year.

Mom planted this lupine years ago.

Pains in neck and shoulder plus overdoing Realtor.com have led me to be absent from my blog for awhile. Weather is dark and damp with sun sometimes at the end of the day.
Yes, I have missed you here. I hope the pains subside soon. The fox gloves are beautiful Suki and I love the new header/banner photo very much. I hope the summer months bode well for you in the house hunting dept.
And thanks for the cute comment on my legs! Not 16 any more, but hey, they haven't changed THAT much???? LOL maybe???
perhaps we should consult with yr husband about that. Tee hee.!
Big Hugs. Beautiful photos.
Oh lovely photos. My foxgloves did wonderful this year in spite of our bad storm. I hear you on the neck and back pain. We have been working hard in our yard to catch up from winter. It is paying off tho. I just posted some more flowers on mine too.
I hope you jump over the hurdle keeping you afraid and find something to live in soon. What happens if you dont find something? Can you stay there? It is so much easier when you have someone to share it all with.
Oh yes.. you new header is awesome. You take such lovely photos.
Wonderful photos Suki. Maybe the garden was calling you to take your mind off your concerns that have been eating you up.
The shoulder and neck pain could be stress related~holding things in. I hope there's a way for you to release the pain soon. I wish I could send you a massage :)
Welcome back. Your absence is always felt.
Sorry to hear about your neck and shoulder pain...possible massage would help?
The garden is lovely...impossible to ignore beauty.
Your Foxglove looks great. They are happy that you helped them by weeding. Just get out the ole heat pad and a glass of wine. All will be better.
Sure hope you feel better really soon...the flowers are so lovely!
those beauties are sure to take your mind off the bloody $^%^&&* property situation for a while. take care there.i have always wondered about foxgloves...
Annie, big hugs to you too.
Cris, not sure what my neck thing is all about. i know i did aggravate it by using the pitch fork on the weeds though.
cris if i dont find something i could pay rent here. there is a lot of stuff out there, it is just my cowardice at making a leap that holds me back.
Lolo, it was since my last massage that i have felt this. I think her working on my neck set something in motion. not to blame. I should have told her about my ear ache which may have affected my neck somehow.
BSD, I am glad i pulled a few weeds. I love doing that.
lisa, i have been using a hot water bottle and love it. will take it with me on my trip.
artist unplugged, thanks for your wishes.
soulbrush, they are such lovely flowers. I dont know where the digitalis comes from, whether root, flower or leaf though i suppose i could look it up.
Gorgeous flowers and photos, as always.
Neck pain is no fun!
A gadjet available at Walgreens (drugstore) for 9.99 is fabulous for that. "Bed Buddy". Heat it in the microwave,,,very soothing & healing.
Feel better,,,,
Stunning pics, Suki! They make a lovely new header, too. I've always loved foxgloves, but never planted any.
Those flowers are absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! wowzers!
And so good to see you back here.
Your flowers are so pretty. I've seen foxgloves in gardens where I deliver and I just love them. I will have to put some in mine.
I got your book from Karen today. I'm working on my page.
I like your metaphor weather report...very apt.
Babs, I actually own a neck pillow filled with something or other that warms up when you put it in a microwave. Call me a luddite, but I dont own a microwave. :)
Willow, when I finally have my own little place, I want a medicinal herb garden and will have foxgloves in it.
teri, i have a picture to post today, tuesday, just for you. I'll do it soon.
katie Jane, I wondered where my little book was!
thanks Mim. unintentional i am sure.
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