Soulbrush linked to a site about
soul collage cards awhile back I made these five cards. They are not official soul collage cards which are made under guidance, following the "rules" set up by the inventor. I just did some collages in the soul collage card size of 8 by 5. The picture of the rocks is from a magazine. The white thing upper left is acrylic medium dried thickly in a plastic container then peeled out.

Not quite finished. I glued a painting I had made earlier to matboard. The section at the bottom needs something I think.

Here I glued on a decorated by me tissue paper and a leaf. I purposely let the edges be ragged.

I love using up all these scraps. The cat segment is decorated papyrus, a touristy thing purchased at a yard sale last year.

More of Cris' flowers. I am signed up to take an official soul collage workshop in may.
Wow Suki, these are truly beautiful! I love the tissue you did...the colors are fantastic! I love them all. When I first glanced at the one on the top, I thought the acrylic bit was a shell!
It will be wonderful to hear what you think of the soul collage process. I have read a lot about it!
Thank you so much for sharing these with us...they are so inspirational.
Kim, nice to hear from you. Thanks for your kind words on these collages. They were fun to do and I've wanted to use that blob of acrylic medium for some time.
So nice to see your work again, the tissue paper is rich! I bet the class will be great...I have a book called Soul Collage but I haven't got it opened yet!
Thanks for the peeps last evening!
Soulcollage cards. What is that?
Oh how fun and pretty. I like the Big black cat.. my mind is a blank on what it is called. a sphinx?
Oh dear are ATC's on the outs now and this is in? I can't keep up. LOL
#3 and #4 are my favorites...all nicely done...I love the tissue paper with the gold, and the cat one looks a bit like a quilt/wall hanging to me ;-)
Nice to take a class...
Wonderful Suki!
So good to see you creating again!
Must have been nice eh!
Love the tissue paper collage , so you!
And the egyptian one is nice to include this tourist thing and make it part of something special!
Have a nice day!
Your tissue paper work is always interesting. Those skins from mediums or paints are really fun.
Personally, I love the look of the 'touristy' piece of the cat on papyrus.
Where will you take this class? It sounds like fun.
I like the leaves and the dogs--Anubis, is it?
When you gave up being a drama queen, what, may I ask, did you become?
Blue sky, that book about soul collage is probably by the woman who "invented" the methods. I know there is a book.
Britt-arnhild, you can click on the link in my post for more info. I am not really sure either as I havent really read the info myself.
Cris, I cant keep up either. just an excuse to make more collages for me.
thanks Lynn. The class should be a fun way to meet more local people. Not till Mother's day though.
Marianne, it was fun to do these. I had them laid out for weeks then suddenly glued them up on afternoon.
Babs, the class is nearby, in someone's house. It will take me around 20 minutes to get there.
Snowbrush, I chuckle over your question. Thanks for asking. Well, what happened was I discovered yoga and meditation and also massages and alternative healings which all effected a change in my thinking and being. Also I was in individual therapy for many years and group therapy for one year which helped me see my behaviors and to change the ones that werent kind to myself or others. This change took place over a number of years. My life is much quieter, calmer and easier now that I am no longer a drama queen. :)
2 and 3 talk to me...sigh...your work is lovely...got one of your little itty bitty collages you sent to me long ago, will go into my atc book too. lovely suki. lovely.
wordveri: abate (don't abate please)
These are wonderful soul collages. I think I like the one of the painted tissue and leaf. (Of course I would) And I like the last one, too. It's nice that you signed up for the workshop. I think it may be helpful. Sounded good.
I enjoyed taking soulcollage classes for a while but then I got a bit tired of the instructor. She was a therapist by day and she didn't know when to "turn it off." I don't always want to be analyzed.
Let me cut and paste in peace for criminy sakes. (Oh, that may have been a bit diva-ish after all.) I'd better rethink my post!
I like all of these Suki. You do have a nice way of working with all the different layers and textures.
"Let me cut and paste in peace for criminy sakes"
oh there's a lesson in love and life from ms. lolo!
and she's right. enjoy creating suki. these are wicked fun to see.
Thanks Suki for the link, or rather, for leading me to the link :-)
soulbrush, thanks. glad my little card which might have been an ATC in fact, will go in yr book.
katie jane, at the least it will be fun to cut and paste with others
lolo, i agree 100%. Let me cut and paste without analysis. I dont know what this woman's background is though i think she does some weaving.
thanks KJ. I just wish i felt more settle so i could do more creating which is such a big outlet for my angst. i feel paralyzed creatively.
Britt-arnhild, there is actually a better link which i will look up and post on yr blog.
Several bloggers I know are doing the soul collage, I will have to check it out...Happy to see you working on art again :-).
all of them are so lovely... and creative...
the one with the leaf is my favorite...
your poem in the sidebar is so impressive... really talks to me
thanks annie. I did a little dabbling today too.
hi human being. thanks a lot.!! I write about one poem every two years:)
You will have a head start on the class you will take by doing these. I think they are very interesting.
suki, maybe you should just write down your three favorite places, fold up each piece of paper, close your eyes and move.
it's so hard to feel stuck. it's depressing, actually. does your parachute work? if it does (and i'll bet it does) maybe you need a little ping! push. do you want a ping! push from me?
Lisa the cards i've seen made by others are neater and tidier than these. They use scissors whereas i tear. but oh well.
KJ thanks. I'll email you soon.
KJ it is true that my "work" here is just about done. I sold a few more of Mom's books. I've cleared out her clothes and glassware. I've packed many items to keep for me. I've determined which furniture I might like to keep. I feel I am more or less ready except for the last minute things. I am very slow at these things but think I am getting bored here so will make a move one way or the other soon. Tomorrow I look at 3 houses in a very nearby area. Just to egg me on really.
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