Most of these are welded steel. Roger was born in Missouri. He received a BFA degree from Kansas City Art Institute. And an MFA from Syracuse University. We were married for ten years many years ago.

Carved wood.

Two shots of the same piece. It was dark in the apartment so my pictures came out rather dark.

This piece is about four feet tall.

Closeup of above piece.

This may be an actual toy that he covered with steel but I don't know for sure.
Hello Darling Suki!
These are wonderful pieces. What a fine artist he was to be sure. Does your son now have these works or are you the owner? Are you the inspiration for the woman who appears to be the same person...or is that his style I am seeing rather than the actual piece? At any rate, they are true treasures.
Thank you so much for sharing these pieces here!
I like the last three the best.
I love your new header! he is my hero :-).
Wow! These are wonderful! Yes, treasures, indeed. Kansas City is a great place. Did you live there as well?
Thanks for the heads up on the Carpenters clip. I replaced it with a similar one, so it's up and operational now.
I guess your son is the owner of these? He should treasure them. Did he make a living doing this kind of work? Did he do women only? Thanks for sharing.
and i thought he only worked in wood. these are magnificent, i would definitely want to own one of them. it seems that a lot of artists are a bit 'screwed up', it's their absolute brilliance that needs and must have an outlet...
Wow some collection! I wonder if you are the model for some of the female figures? Like your new banner too.
Amazing pieces...I too wondered if you were the woman of subject. Like the new header!
Wonderful work!
Amazing what he could do with steel!
Truly lovely works of art. May be worth lots now. In any case, they are obviously worth lots to you. Very nice.
i love these, especially the tall woman/tree. thanks for sharing them. and i love the new header too!
Kim yes, my son owns these pieces now. I dont think I am the model or inspiration, he had many women in his life but I think this may be a sort of style. thanks for your comments. I have always loved his art.
Annie, yes, I myself am in great need of Ganesh right now.
Willow, I lived in Kansas City with Roger but not when he was at the institute. Our son was born in KC though the hospital was over the river in Kansas.
Cris, Roger also made a lot of abstract works too. Aaron owns these now (my son). Roger never made his living doing sculpture but i think he could have had he put himself out there.
Soulbrush, no, R. changed from wood to steel about when I met him though he would do wooden things too now and again. Right. He was both nuts and brilliant I think.
Lynn I doubt I was the model or inspiration. These were some of his later works though he titled an earlier abstract piece "Susan Smiles."
thanks Artist unplugged.
marianne, steel can look so flowing at times.
Katie Jane, I always loved his artworks.
m.heart. The tall woman also has a suitcase at her feet and there is a sort of road sign in the piece. I wish I had a place to put one of the steel pieces but alas still no abode.
Love your header Suki,
These scuptures are wonderful and your son must be so glad to have them. I especially like the bus.
Thanks BSD I do think my son is proud of his dad.
Wow these are great Suki. I so admire this kind of art. So unattainable to me.
I truly love sculpture,,,and these are great. I really really like the tallest one,,,and the bus, but all of them are special.
I'm sure there were some special times in your life together too. Ten years is a long time.
Love that title Susan Smiles.
suki, while i love looking at these beautiful pieces, i find myself wondering what it feels like to then know the man as your husband and now know him as a sculptor. life's interesting that way...
thinking of you,
Yes, what a lovely header.
The work is wonderful, I hope your son has a good home for it all.
Thank you and I hope you're well.
Suki, I really connect to the woman on the rock, what a wonderful sculpture! The others are great too, but this one really talks to me, love her position.
Thanks for sharing these treasures here,
thanks Lisa.
Babs, these works bring up many memories for sure.
kj, that he was a sculptor was always a big connector between myself and my ex. I do see his work in a different way now though, as his human personality is not here anymore to get in the way (for me) of seeing his work.
Jude, for the moment my son has his apartment in which to display this work. Not sure about the future though.
Andrea, I like that one too. when I walked around to take pictures I didnt remember seeing it before, though it must have been there.
oh... it's so true that they say artists never die... they live through their art...
love his style... so impressive...
I almost took advice from a teacher and focused on sculpture.
I love the woman on the big rock. A very soothing, contemplative piece.
A wonderful collection Suki. Thanks for sharing your memories of him!
Human Being, it is true we can "Live" after we die through the things we leave behind. I wonder if that is part of what impells us to create whether poems, art, or children.
Lolo, oh my. Have you ever played with the medium since? That's interesting. My son has the woman on the rock piece in his bedroom, and she gazed out the window.
Interesting sculptures, Suki. The other night I had a dream about a sculpture. No, it wasn't one of these. If so, my hair would be standing on end about right now.
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