I havent been posting much lately. Just uninspired. Plus spending a lot of time on the internet doing house searches which takes away from my desire to do anything else on the internet. I sort of get burned out with machines. I need to stop talking about/thinking about this house business. It is getting old. I thank you all for your patience though. And for all your comments on my previous post.
I did adore this day, we reached 88 degrees. Hope you are all having a great weekend too.
yes, the same yellow weeds! i don't know what they are either - at first glance (from a moving car) i thought they were dandelions but no...just the same bright yellow.
I love that moss covered stone. Suki, you can write about anything you want, we are never bored. I like hearing about the house hunt as long as you like posting about it. I know that you will find the perfect place for you, once you relax. Easier said than done :-).
Suki, I love hearing about your house-hunting too. Though I also know how tedious it can become - enough to make you want to tear you hair out!
Much better idea getting out under blue skies in your lovely warm weather!
We have blue skies over us too, but it is windy and cool.
Well I am happy for you that the snow has finally melted.
And the sun is shining.
This should make life easier I'd imagine. The photos are all lovely to look at and imagine you basking and soaking it all in. Enjoy!!!
I enjoy reading about your search and what ever you post. But understand about getting burnt out from machines. I tend to do that too. Glad your warming up there finally. Take care and know we all care.
Hey Suki, isn't that weather lookin good! There's just nothing like sunshine to burn away those winter blahs.
Weeds are my favorite flowers, and the moss just makes you want to roll around in it.
I've polished my toenails and gotten out the sandals too.It's so freeing to be able to put away the socks, isn't it?
Another great banner!
This day was just what you needed, a lazy day in the sun. And we love to hear from you even if you just post a 'hi'.
i like what you saw today, suki.
and i agree with annie: if you want to ponder where and how to move, please just do that. i'm sending you a wish for clarity and of course community.
It doesn't matter that you've nothing to say, it's just good to hear you're relaxing in the sun.
I always look forward to reading what you have to say - no matter what the subject. Your friends and followers are there waiting for you whenever you feel able to post something. I love that view from your house, and I think the weeds are what we call Coltsfoot - the erupt out of the earth minus leaves, and when the leaves come, they are the shape of a baby horse's foot! Coltsfoot was used medicinally in the past, but without looking it up, I can't recall its uses. Have a good Sunday.
The rock is gorgeous. Obviously it hasn't been rolling. ;) Don't get a sunburn like I did. UGH...
Glad you had a good Saturday enjoying the nice weather! I like hearing about your house hunt!
Those yellow "weeds" are so pretty. Did you dig some up and take them home? I also love the poem you posted. I need to start write again...
first i saw the new header and it filled me with joy, then i read about your lovely day in the sun and i felt joyous too (although i don't sit in the sun anymore, too hot for me). suki, you could never bore me either, i like to hear about your house hunting, because i am interested in your life, just as you always show an interest in mine, so please 'discuss' it with us. happy sunday to you too.
M. Heart I thought the same thing re: dandelions briefly.
thanks Annie. My mind keeps saying to "back off" a bit, but my body keeps on searching.
Patti, it was indeed a glorious summer day y'day. a bit milder but lovely today too.
lynn, such wonderful things the sunshine brings. thanks
Cris thanks for your kind words.
Babs, it is great to go sockless and indeed for me, often, shoesless. Or should that be clueless?
Thanks teri. Today will be another day in the sun or at least morning.
KJ thanks for not getting bored.
Jude, the sun is so inspirational for me. I often receive my greatest ideas from it.
anne, i did leave out my medicinal herb book so should look that up. thanks. and thanks for your encouraging words.
Lisa, oh dear. Hope you arent tooo sunburned. thanks for the reminder though. I'll dig out my lotions.
Kathi, i didnt dig up the weeds. There are a lot of weeds here already. If you do start writing again, I'll look forward to reading your work.
soulbrush, thanks for the interest in my life.
After last weekend's snow, we had temperatures in the 70s this week. The mildness soothes me. As does looking at that moss-covered stone. We had those where I grew up. They feel so good!
May you find a house that is as comforting as a moss-covered stone, Suki.
Apologies for posting again but regarding the yellow weeds - you will find you have a terrible problem in your garden as I know to my cost. What seems so pretty in the wild is still just as pretty when 'imported' but most weeds are so terribly invasive and take over. That's why they are successful -pretty, but thugs!
Your "weeds" have such a charming atin name - tussilago farfara :-)
Suki, I exactly know what you mean about getting tired with machines:)
Love the tussilago farfara (thanks to Britt Arnhild we now know it's beautiful name too) and the stone! It is gorgeuous! A stone in his most precious gown:)
Have a good Sunday
We're warm here too. Too warm for me. Cooler weather coming next week. I've been spending more time outside as well. Time to rejuvinate, energize, and renew. Your house is out there somewhere, just waiting for you to find it. What about a motorcoach and travel?
I can imagine that the house hunting gets overwhelming, perhaps depressing. The area around you now is lovely. Love that moss covered rock.
I am having a glorious weekend. I don't mind hearing about your house hunt. The mossy rock looks like a green pillow.
Just what you were wishing for...sunny weather! Your patio chair looks so inviting and you could easily get color laying out there! Enjoy your weekend!
Now we are in the low 60's and overcast...!
I love the poetry in the rock: hardness cloaked in softness -- a metaphor for my life these days. And maybe yours . . .
Hunting can be exhausting. I pray your sweet home-to-be finds you and sets your heart to rest in home-sweet-home musings.
Blessings on this Day of Rest. Let's enjoy it together. : )
I thought coltsfoot immediately and someone else confirmed this in the comments. Rather a jolly weed but not so bright as celendines nor so rare as cowslips.
A lovely post.
San, what a lovely wish for me. Thanks.
Hi Anne, thanks for the warning. I'm not going to transplant that weed. This was an old farm so the hillside has plenty of weeds already. :)
Britt-Arnhild, thanks for the latin name. I'm impressed. I wonder if you had to look that up or you just knew it!
Andrea, that moss is a lovely gown. !
Katie Jane, in my head I think i'd like a motor coach and travel but in reality I'm a home/hearth sort of person.
artist unplugged, i think my desire to be settled and get my things out of storage vs my indecision as to which place to choose is pulling me in several directions and, yes, is unsettling.
chewy, it was a lovely weekend here too. Didnt the Japanese used to sleep, not on rocks, but wooden pillows?
Blue Sky, yes i do love the heat though must confess I only briefly sat in the chair.
Debbie thanks, i did feel we were enjoying the day together, a time to rest and reflect. i like that metaphor of the rock's hardness and softness. thanks.
Elizabeth thanks for stopping by.
I read this post saturday but didn´t comment then....
So nice you had some warm weather!
I have been busy with my mom, took her out shopping Friday , for the first time in 2 years! It made her happy. We bought a lot of new clothes for her!
Sunday I had to go to my parents appartment to clear away some things . It has to be empty the and of the month.
I can imagine your head is not into blogging......
You have to do the things first which will give you peace and quiet again in your head!
take care dear!
hug >M<
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