I felt frazzled and bombarded with "life" and ideas and stimulus so I spent Friday at home alone and in silence. I drank cups of tea.

I sat in the sun with my feet up. Here you see the green slipper clogs I mention in my "World According to Suki" column.

I pondered various real estate possibilities in the Peterborogh area, my newest area of focus.

I practiced yoga.

I napped with Emily. I broke my silence only once, when I answered the telephone. What a blessing this day of calm and peace was.
Absolutely necessary from time to time these days of calm. Hope you feel refreshed, Suki.
It's always good to have a day of time out.
I enlarged the listings so I could see the houses. I could live in any of them, all very charming. I LOVE to look at houses,,,and wish I could go with you.
Emily is so beautiful,,,I'm always amazed,,,she MUST be my Callie's sister. They are like twins.I find napping with her to be so peacefilled,,,and calming.
They say Silence is Golden. It truly is sometimes. Where is petersborough or how ever it is spelt? It is lovely out today and so we are spending the day outside. Sunshine and warmth, what the doctor ordered. :))
Now those slipper clogs look exactly like something I would enjoy wearing!
Peace and quiet and a little pondering. Tea and yoga are very relaxing. A timeout is required every so often.
Ah, Suki, it's even calming to read about your day of silence.
I really love the feet-resting-on-chair photo--talk about authenticity!
good for you suki.
did you know i lived in jaffrey and worked in peterborough for about 3 years? j grew up in nearby francestown. also, he built the bar at harlow's pub, our favorite spot in southern nh!
Aaahhhhhh it was calming just reading about your quiet day. I hope you awaken tomorrow with great resolve and find yourself a place to land. Namaste
this calmed me down, i feel all revved up, don't know why....namaste my dear one.
Anne, yes. I think I could do with about a week of calm days, but oh well. I did feel refreshed afterwards.
Babs, I agree that Emily is beautiful. We've been together since 1998.
Peterborough is in NH but a bit further east than where I am now. And a bit south.
Willow, I found these by accident while looking for boots and have never regretted buying them. I wear them inside the house only.
Chewy, well said. Thank you.
San thanks. A cape cod writer Anne D. LeClaire just published a bk about her 10 year experiment with having a day of silence two times a month. Cant recall the title right now. But it was interesting.
Yogaforcynics, thanks.!
M. Heart no I didnt know that! Jaffrey is another place I'd thought of as houses seem somewhat reasonable there. Peterborough has high taxes. I remember going to Francestown years ago for a contra dance. I don't know Harlow's Pub though.
Lisa, today, Saturday, I felt much better and spent my penny of energy on a visual journal workshop.
soulbrush, sometimes its good to feel revved up. on the other hand i'd been feeling aggitated and a lot of yoga and quiet helps me calm down. Also, sometimes, some Rescue Remedy which is a Bach Flower Remedy.
What a lovely day. I came home from our Saturday trek to garage sales and a faire, and art drop off, to putting my feet up in our green leather recliner (I haven't sat down on it in a year I think) and read from one of the free books I got at the thrift store today. And I dozed. It felt so good. Sometimes my energy finally runs out and I get to enjoy some peacefulness. Your photos of yours are wonderful and calming to see and share.
My word verification is sabbeabl
Which to me means sabbath able
enjoy the sabbath!
Suki, thank you for sending me to visit Crescent dragonwagon's blog...I read her post with sweet sentiment and will go back visit again...it did make me feel less hope-less, thank you
Love the day you spent! I love napping with the cats, what is that old saying, something like "you can't be tense when petting a cat"...so true
and they remind you to enjoy the little things and put one paw in front of the other...
wow, suki, i can feel right through my computer screen that your energy is different and calm on this day of mindfulness and silence. it makes me very happy for you.
This sounds a day very well spent.
Healing growth and comfort.
I hope you discover an ideal spot to write and create.
The day sounds blissfully perfect to me Suki. Good for you for giving yourself the gift of peace and quiet.
Peterborough was just listed as one of the 10 best places to live because unemployment isn't so high there.
Rescue Remedy is good stuff. It's used on pets a lot out here as opposed to tranquilizers for very nervous types ;)
Thanks so much for sending healing and light to my brother. It must have worked because you're geographically the closest to him! He came out of ICU yesterday. I'm hopeful.
I hope your Sunday is as peaceful as yesterday.
Blessings to you Suki.
Hi Suki, this sounds like one of the perfect days! I guess I will take example of this soon:)
Have a lovely Sunday
Isn't a day of quiet and peace the best thing you can give yourself when you are frazzled? I can relate as when you are at a crossroads it is exhausting.
Your day sounds perfect in all ways. I love your photo as header...is it the pond? Talk about beauty and silence!
What a perfectly wonderful (and wonder-filled . . . as in "I wonder . . . ") way to spend a day or two, as the spirit moves you.
It's good to sit quietly once in a while. I do it with a good book often. Hope it puts thing in focus for you.
I heaved a big sigh when I read your post ... a holiday for the soul! Your clogs look very cozy :)
thanks all. The photo is not the nH pond but rather a cape cod saltwater river.
Annie, i have been very tired lately --thanks for acknowledging that change is exhausting.
What a wonderful refreshing post Suki! I enjoyed catching up on your activities (and silence).
What a nice day!
Wish I could accomplish that!
I think a day like that nourishes the soul!
Love your clogs! Love things that keep my feet warm and cuddled.
I have bought Birckenstocks today, it´s like walking on fakir shoes.....
Have a nice weekend!
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