Facing fierce and cold winds, I went to a nearby beach. This parking lot, now empty, will be full this summer.

I love the pattern this fence makes against the sand.

Solitary sentinel. These are the waters of Nantucket Sound I think.

A barren expanse.

I did not walk the beach, but just gazed for awhile and turned back to my warm car. Notice the way the horizon seems to curve.
Later, lunch out with a friend and then to see "Slum Dog Millionaire." Earlier I stopped by some thrift shops. Most were closed on Monday and I found nothing. I also stopped by to see my old landlord who now owns a little cafe. Today, another venture out. Still cold, but the wind seems less.
Maybe cold, but look at that view, I love the sea and beach, empty too, bonus!
The sun rise photos were gorgeous yesterday morning.
Hope you're enjoying yourself,take it easy.
Love the photos, and it looks like a lovely, warm day, easy for me to say :-).
Pure bliss!
Beautiful components for a mixed media piece in these photos Suki.
Such joy for you to be out & about & taking it all in.Love the sparkly light on the water, and of course those cast shadows are my absolute favorite thing. Wonder what it is that is so intriguing about shadows?
I'd like to be with you,,,ratting around in thrift shops can be so much fun. Carry on!!
I love walking the Cape through you! When I first met KJ on the blogs it was her photos of P-Town that drew me in. I have the deepest New England pull which rises up and surprises me. I do believe I'll go back there to live.
Three nights of good sleep...I'm happy for you, and jealous! I never get more than 3 hours in a row.
The cape off season...you've gotta love it!
Thanks for sharing.
Looks like you had the beach all to yourself...beautiful play of light. Meeting up with old friends, movie and shopping...does it get better? What did you think of the movie?
Sounds like your catching up on things you love to do there.
I love the photo of the fence with shadows. I noticed the horizon before reading where you said to notice. I feel like I could roll off the edge. :) Great shots. Yeah what did you think of the movie?
I can never get enough of your creative photos of this beautiful area! Please keep them coming.
Wonderful lines Suki...each photo lends to the next begging me to look for the lines and I do.
Nice of everyone to step aside so you could have a solitary moment on the beach alone. The whole Sound all to yourself! Beautiful.
That movie won best picture I think...I don't even know what it's about. So out of it.
I'm glad you are connecting with friends there. Enjoy!
What a wonderful day it sounds like you had! Lovely photos.....hey....did you enjoy the movie?
Jude, definitely great to have no crowds. In fact, in the summer I would not be allowed to park here unless i had a town sticker which you can only get if you a) live in the town or b) I think--if you are a tourist and pay bigga bucks for it. One of my aggrivations about the Cape for year rounds residents. Who I think should be allowed at any beach at any time.
Annie, it was a lovely day but very cold as is today due to the bone cutting wind.
Babs,I love those shadows too. They look as "real" as the fence itself.
Laurel, yes the sleep and yet today I felt so tired and groggy and took a nap for awhile. I think layers of exhaustion are lifting off.
BSD and others who asked about the movie. At first I didnt like it when the hero was being tortured by the police. But once that part was over with I liked it very much, interesting cinamatography, interesting plot lines. I esp loved the end, after the movie story part was over. It's about a kid from the slums who goes on a TV show to answer questions and possibly win lots of money if he answers them right.
Cris, see movie comment above. I am catching up with doing things I love. The landscape here is friendlier to me. Albeit cold.
Than ks TeriC.
Lynn,thanks. I am having a restful day today, alternating with active days I guess.
Artist unplugged, I'd have to say I did enjoy it. See above comment.
Oh the curve of the earth - how DID you get that shot? We have heard so much over here (UK) about Slum Dog Millionnaire, for it is the first totally British film to win at the Oscars since Laurence Olivier's Hamlet sixty years ago. Not crowing but remembering that post-war era, and the fact of the awful atrocities in the former Bombay.
I believe it´s cold but the water looks so blue and gorgeous....
Wonderful pictures Suki!
Sure you are having a good time!
Suki, this is truly a wonderful outing for me. I love the shadow of the fence, too. And the horizon line...oh you know how much I love those.
It does look to be a brisk day and the wind off of the sound has to feel especially cold.
I am eager to hear your thoughts about the movie, too.
Enjoy your time...
Kim and others re: movie. Check up ward as I did respond at somepoint. I might add that the interweaving of stories past and present and with Slumdog and his brother and the contrast between their reactions to their poverty stricken life was well done. I would be intereted in reading the book now.
Beautiful shadows on the sand...such clean and clear lines... the beach looks quiet. Thanks for posting these beach shots...the water sparkles...<3
love all the photos in all your posts... many of them just make me pause...
the photo of the shadow of the fence is a WOW!
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