Folks have been busy on the farm. The electric company came and cut branches off this tree. Why? It is not that close to the new pole they erected. Just nearby. The tree looks wounded to me. How would you like your limbs to be cut off?

Spanking new pole. The wires have not yet been attached. They erected two poles at the bequest of the maple syrup guys who are putting in a new electrified sap pump, or something.

A grey residue coats the snow, a result of the process. Oh my, speak of the devil. Two big electric company trucks have just arrived to complete the process, I'm guessing.

Some melting has been going on, however I found this icicle at my brother's house.

His pickup is still buried.

Here is the narrow walkway to my door. We expect rain this week and high forties so more melting will happen. On the radio news they say ice floes will be breaking up and could cause jams. I've never had ice flow jam. :)
What signs of winter are still around for you all out in blogland? What signs of spring? Of course I know some of you are not experiencing winter right now, but summer. Is summer fading?
Your walkway looks just like mine :-). It was melting, but now it snowed the last two days and has turned into Winter again.
Hi Suki,
I am so excited to say that the pot of hydrangeas I planted in memory of my Mom last year have survived, and are peeking out of the dead stuff. Hoooray!
How in the world did you make your new banner? A program on your computer, or is this an incredible, magical photo? It is sooooo cool!
That still looks like a lot of snow. We even had snow on the mountains today.
I love your new header!! Lots of mystique.
Signs of winter? It all keeps changing, most days it's sunny but cold (50's) and other days windy. We had some rain but not a heavy winter rain. It seems we are in a perpetual Winter/Spring. My Bird of Paradise is blooming and also shows frost damage. ??? I'm not complaining, just a little confused.
What a beautiful banner, a look into layers of veils.
Your new banner/title space is beautiful!
I so enjoy your blog, Suki.
Like the new banner! You still have alot of snow! Down south, we haven't had any snow this year:( and the weather goes from cold to warm and back again. The grass is starting to show some life.
Signs of winter here is rain, and it finally came down in buckets a couple of days ago. We really needed it! It's been pretty chilly too, forties. Yesterday the wind was blowing right off the ocean and the whitecaps were dancing! There were remnants of magnificent clouds left behind after the storm. Of course I grabbed the camera and added them to my sky photos :)
And yesterday's wind caused our cherry blossoms to fall like snow. That's how winter is at my house!
I agree about the tree with the missing limbs. I hate progress when it messes with nature.
Your new header made me say "whoa!!" It's powerful!
We all love your new header, it is so cool!
We are having very hot, humid weather down here in Cape Town, 38 degrees celcius, not sure what that is in F. I am looking forward to the autumn coming, I always have more energy in the cooler weather.
I love your winder photo's, especially the icicle!
Oh Oh..... I don´t like to see pictures like this. Seems like the mud season is nearly there for you, the rain will turn everything in mud...........
Here it is raining a lot today/ yesterday and coming days we will have frost in the night. Really the kind of weather I don´t like at all.
But february has March in sight and I know March can have lovely days so there is hope......
The sight of trees with thweir branched sawed off makes me very sad.
Sometimes it is absolutely a riddle what work people have in mind with certain moves........
Hope the mud season will be short and spring will soon be there!
warm hug >M<
Annie, the April I stayed in Vallacitos (west of Taos) and Santa Fe it was soooo cold. But the snow had stopped. Your winter is somewhat like ours.
Babs, hurrah for the hydrangeas. So exciting it must be to see them. The banner is made on Picasa. It is a layered form of collage. I used a photo of me and a photo of ice. I still cant directly upload photos to Picasa from my camera. However, they somehow get there from my other photo site. Odd. I like picasa as i can see the pictures much better than at my other site.
Teri, it feels like a lot of snow too, but i can also see that some melted which is cheering. Snow on the distant mountains is the way I'd like to experience it.
BSD, I assume your bird of paradise is inside?? I remember all those cold rains of San Francisco and cold even in June.
Thank you The Crow.
Artist Unplugged, no snow at all is pretty amazing. You must be pretty far south as I know some southern areas had unexpected snows at some point.
Laurel, so sad your cherry blossoms fell. I guess you and BSD in California have rain as a sign of winter's end or spring's arrival. Well, we expect rain on thursday but maybe 50's on Wed.
dianne, thanks. I like it hot but not humid. Humidity weights a person down I think. Autumn is actually one of my fav seasons. Of course I was born in autumn too.Thanks re: header.
Marianne, we could still have a blizzard up here. Often they come in March. I know most folks think March ah spring is almost here but up north that is not always so. Ah well. I am looking forward to a possible trip to Cape Cod soon for several weeks--not that it will be spring there of course but maybe warmer.
my driveway has finally melted... that's a sign of spring right? except there might be more snow... grrrrr...
love your new header!
I love your icicle! You do look very mysterious and other worldish Suki. And now there's a story in my head!
Here in Australia we have just left behind heat that was off the scale. Exhausting to live through! You have heard about our bushfires (they were in Victoria & I'm up in New South Wales). My country is trying to recover from this and now the weather has been the opposite - we have very cool days with rain and need to put the doona back on the bed.
Our garden looks tired and ready for a winter sleep. We need to spend a day tidying up all the vines that have gone wild over summer.
On the bright side the temperature is perfect for doing Yoga!
I love your new header Suki. What a cool picture.
Here the snow has melted, a few crocus have popped out of the ground the snowdrops are blooming. All signs that spring can't be far behind.
Gosh, you all still have a LOT of snow!! Thankfully ours is gone for now. I spotted some daffodil shoots in my front garden just today. And the garden primrose is greening up, but I think it is still too early to rake the leaves away. Our temps are in the high 50s/low 60s. A severe wind alert is forcasted for tomorrow night. 50-70 mile an hour winds! There goes our power again!
That's some icicle hanging from your brother's house! And it is a pity about that/those tree/s. Utility people are not tree huggers, I know that first hand!
Hello Suki,
it's still very stormy outside, tomorrow we will have snow again!
No signs of spring -except my primulas on the kitchen desk;-))
Burr this looks cold. Look at the ice cicle. wow.
It is very cold here right now and is pouring raining. It's supposed to snow/rain but have only had rain. but who knows. I have been having computer problems and have blogged about it. I am fed up with the computer today as thats ALL I have done today. But I had to come and see your blog before I sign off for the day. Take care in that cold weather.
It's been in the 40s and 50s here, quite suddenly. I also can see a bit of grass under some trees. Mmmm, I can smell thawing earth.
i like the color of your brother's house! it was almost 40 today, and tomorrow it will be warmer still and raining too. and when i left the office today at 5 it was still quite light...winter's not over but it's loosing it's grip.
Our only signs of winter are the bare leaf trees...and the weather man's report that a great rain storm is coming. We NEED this rain dearly...as we are in drought mode.
Spring signs I have shown you on my blog with all the wonderful flowers blooming around here. And work of a big fat robin red breast in our yard.
The temperature dipped to a low of 49 F this evening on my way home from work. I had to bundle up in my barn coat jacket getting to my car. LOL The coolness on my face was a last sign of winter. We are so spoiled I feel guilty writing here about our "winter".
Your photo in your banner is spooky nice.
Gosh, I didn't realise the amount of snow..........
Still waiting for something really wintery, usually in Feb. we get colder, wetter weather. We did have snow last year, lasted a couple of days.
We've got almond blossom and of course lots of plants are producing buds.
I'm sending you warm warm warm thoughts.
Ice flow jam! Cute. I think there was a post about some desert made out of snow...Jane Green's blog...she's linked to Sarah Laurence blog. It was a child's creation...fun. Glad your 'cheer' is returning, Ms Suki.
Oh, I didn't answer your question about winter signs. It's cooler here in the Puerto Rican mountains, about 70 in the morning and it rains everyday. Yesterday, it was gusty with occasional power flickers...the lights go on, off, on, off...its detrimental to the electric appliances. The kids hair iron switch shorted and I found it smoking! (not cigs!) Quite expensive...everything should be on a surge protector. I haven't seen snow in many years but I'm going to Michigan in March...I wonder if there will still be signs of winter. (I grew up on a farm there so I can relate to your 'life on the farm' post!) Have a most lovely day, dear Suki. <3
Oh that tree just makes me cry. Poor thing. It probably needs your loving thoughts. The industrial age is so ugly below the shiny surface.
Here in Ohio, it's been downright balmy and all the snow is finally gone. My forsythia has some little buds on it and the birds are singing again but the Farmer's Almanac says we're due for a blizzard in February. Hope it's wrong. I'm ready for tulips and peonies and roses! I'll be starting seeds inside for my garden in about a month.
Happy Wednesday!
Hi Suki, I love your new banner. Is it a reflection in the window? (sorry if I am repeating, I haven't read comments yet)
This has been the most amazing winter...well, down here it has hardly been winter at all. Today...70 degrees F and we are not even 1/2 through February. I just spoke with someone in Chicago...the highest temps on record!
It seems as though spring is arriving, although I am up with the flu and we have had only a few inches of snow...I am feeling sad about that, too.
Like you, how would you like to have your limbs cut off for some electric sap pump...and leave a mess at your feet, too?
Thanks Suki!
oh suki, i am on the west coast this week, but in my corner of new england spring is nowhere in sight. snow has covered the ground for months, and i can't wait to see the first snowdrop break through the wet earth!!!!
We are snowing in up here. It looks beautiful though.
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