This award is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing (I am adding in art work)...that's the general idea. I am truly honoured to receive it. Thank you millions Soulbrush.
The rules of this award are as follows:
*Show the image of the award on your blog.
*Link back to the blog that gave the award. (too many to do this, sorry).
*Nominate 15 other blogs that you consider deserving the same. (What? 15?)
*Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve selected.
OK. Fifteen. I am trying to list some folks that Soulbrush didn't list though there may be overlaps. Order is random.
Guess that is more than fifteen. Hope the links work. As Soubrush said on her blog, I'll get to ye all in 2009 sometime to leave a note on yr blogs re: this award. There is only so much a girl can do. Now, off to vacuum.
ha ha ha! I just did the same thing and you are on the list too because I got one that was not from Soulbrush...better quickly update and add it to this post to be covered with all the links.
Congratulations! Well deserved
Nice to see these go around!
Hey Suki,,,thanks for these awards!
(now the time to add them,,,I hope soon)
I'm so behind on visiting everyone,,but I do want to say I really like your new photo,,and the haircut is way cute! I wore mine that way for years,,except I always need long bangs.
My forehead could be rented out as billboard space,,,,,,
Kudos on the awards, Suki! And I am also very honored. Thank you! 15?! That's a lot. Maybe I'll bend the rules a tad. ;^)
h Suki:) you make me smile,
"there is only so much a girl can do":)
thank you so much for this award, Miss Doodle will be delighted!:)
PS: I'm still stuck in the "home-coming-mess" :):)
Suki. Thank you!I have another award from another blog I received two days ago I still have to do something about, the awards are piling up :-). I will do it soon!
Thank you, Suki! It's my first award! I'm hoping I'll be able to come up with 15 other blogs.
congratulations to you and thank you for the award Suki! you are very kind..
Thank you Suki, I received this one from SoulBrush too so double cool.
Well thank you Suki - I accept with pleasure.
Ah, Karen. Thank you too then. Be well, Suki
Marianne, yes. round and round in the circle game.
Babs, Thanks. You deserve them. Thanks re: the haircut. Oh, I hate bangs on myself. when my hair gets onto my forehead that's when I know I need it cut.
Willow, do bend the rules. I often do with awards and sometimes I have even been unable to respond at all. In any event have fun whick the most important thing.
Oh Andrea. Yes. How does the home get so disorderly when a person is away?? The homecoming from a trip is always sort of chaotic I think for a time. Take your time re:grounding in your Paris life. Be well,
Annie, that's so cute. the awards are piling up like christmas presents waiting to be opened.!
Belle Enchanted: well glad I can be the first in what is sure to be a line of awards.
Natalya, you are welcome.
Cris, double cool indeed.
patti, you are welcome.
Ah Suki - thanks so much for the award :) I am always touched when you recognize my work.
I like your picture by the way!
As for your last question, I am loving working at home; it allows time for me to control my workload -- but during the weeks where the workload is heavy (like this month) it is hard to get that "space". I figure it will take me at least six months to figure out a rhythm that will work for me. Namaste dear suki. I thought of you today while I was doing yoga to Sean Corne's DVD.
You are welcome HOnour. I do think you so often address deep and stimulating topics on yr blog. Wow, that's a great idea re: Sean Corn's video. I might get one to pep up my yoga practice. Interesting that you anticipate it will take 6 months to get into the rhythm of working at home. Back when I took jobs out in the world I usually thought it took about 6 months to "get" the job thoroughly. although with easier jobs it would take less time, as there was less to balance and ingest. I am glad you are finding you love it though.
I am honored, Suki, despite the fact that I've been a BAD blogger lately. You are most generous.
Thank you for your friendship.
Oh wow, thank you very much. I really don't feel deserving of this one. But I thank you.
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