I am sure everyone has been waiting with baited breath (what is that anyway?) wondering what I am doing with my deep blue canvas.
Y'day I took a number of photos using different flash settings. This one shows the dots well, however this is not the accurate color of the blue.

I have been painting blue, then a layer of silver dots (stars or snowflakes take your pick) then a layer of paint with some dots showing
thru still, then more dots, and on this way. I have done about 4-5 layers already. The idea is that some dots will recede and some come forward however I don't know if this will work in the end. I am still painting on this however, so we shall see.

Wonderful fresh dates.

I had enough pumpkin for three pies. Yikes. Anyone want a pie? I do need to add a few pounds on to myself but three pies is a tad much. I
couldnt bake the mince pie as I only bought one box of mince and you need two. The mince is for my bro so guess I'd best go out to the store though I don't look fwd to it on this weekend. A few church fairs in a nearby town call to me. Not sure I'll make it though re: Mom.
Never had pumpkin pie, so, yes please, I'd love a slice!
Do you suffer from tinitus, I do and find it's infuriating!! I'd love to hear the sound of silence...........
I am curious to know what the blue and the dots will look like in the end.
great idea with those dots, i can't wait to see how it works.
my mom and brother usually eat a pumpkin pie together the night before thanksgiving. since j and i will be in rhode island wednesday and thursday this year, i guess they will have to share! not sure i've ever had mince pie.
Your whole dot theory is very interesting.
Yum, pumpkin pie. If I were closer I would definitely help you eat it.
Must be nice to need to add pounds, never been my problem :-).
That pie looks wonderful and yummy. The painting is interesting, I look forward to seeing it completed. Happy weekend Suki.
that's going to be really interesting when it's done. pumpkin pie, never had any, yum yum...
starred sky, dates, pumpkin pie (never made one yummie this looks so good) love the stardotpainting:)
thanks so much for your comment on my blog, I have to catch up with my friends now, here,
have a wonderful Saturday and Sunday (here in Paris it is already 7:13...
Hey so many people say they havent had pumpkin pie. So interesting. I is kind of like a pudding in a pie shell. I love it, for breakfast even. Maybe what I have is tinnitus. Not sure. But i do have ringing that I only occasionally notice.
Britt-Arhild, I am curious to find out too.
M. Heart. Oh my. Mince Pie. I think the original of mince pie was a variety of meats chopped up and mixed with dates or raisins. Nowadays it is usually only the date/raisin and whatever stuff. You buy a little box of it and reconstitute it. Sweet.
And you would be a welcome guest at my table Teri.
I hope you are having a happy WE Annie. I just heard some gunshots so I guess the hunters are out there.
Soulbrush, pumpkin pie is delicious. Kinda like a pumpkin custard.
Hi andrea. Thanks for stopping by. It is good to have you "home." Still early afternoon here. Time for some yoga.
LOVE pumpkin pie. I was just thinking about Thanksgiving desserts while showering today.
I thought perhaps I could take a clean teaspoon into the pies and have a taste of them (oolie berry and pumpkin), just the center, no crust, and still stay on my healthy eating plan.???
the dates look scrumptious too.
Nice to think of needing to add weight...
pretty blue with silver dots...stars for me...looking forward to the completed layered look...
baited breath? breath with a fish hook came to mind...
breath that takes the bait...
laying in wait to catch ones breath...
okay, enough! over and out.
Oh the painting is looking great. I like the star effect. I have seen clouds in the sky paintings now this looks like a stars in the sky painting. Interesting...are we done or are you doing something more?
yumm on the pies and dates. :))
Dad always loved minced meat pies. I like a pumpkin pie if it is made right. not so it tastes like a squawsh..
Suki, I love the paintings and from where I sit your experiment sure seems to be working well! I love this!
Oh, those dates. It reminds me of one time we walked into a shop in Achen Germany and the shopkeeper took this big knife, whacked a walnut to get the meat out, then took that knife, pitted the date and placed a walnut meat inside the date. When he offered it up, the whole deal tasted like a bite of pie! Yummy!
Your pie is glorious! I love pumpkin pie...what a beauty. You know I have used the pumpkin custard and baked it in a dish without the crust, and we loved it.
I do hope your mother is doing well, Suki. Hugs to you.
Thanks Lynn. Well, it will be interesting to hear whether you succumb to a taste of desert. It is very hard not to eat sweets during these holiday times. So much of it around. I need to gain weight, but I cant eat much sweet so need to gain it some other way though I will eat pie.
Cris, I tend to think of pumpkin and squash pies as interchangeable. but maybe not. I will do more on the painting or at least that is my goal.
Kim what a great story about the date and the walnut. Mom used to stuff dates with either peanut butter or confectioner sugar paste with a walnut. Delicious. thanks re: painting. I have always thought it was my English ancestry but i love custards, puddings and plain foods.
Hi again suki, They do taste different. I know there is something else people use for pumpkin pies and I dont like it. So I am always careful when tasting. I was forced to eat a certain type squash when a kid and it didnt set well with me at all. :)
The layer of stars/paint is a good idea Suki and will look great when finished i'm sure.
At the risk of sounding a know-it-all 'bated breath' comes from the word abate or to hold ones breath.
Amazing! That flash settings can change the blue that much!
Thought before I started reading that they were 2 different canvasses......
Love the idea that some dots are further away then others just like stars (or snow).
The pie looks so neat! Like it is from a store, never tasted pumpkin pie before.
Have a nice sunday!
thanks for thinking about me friday, all went well yesterday! (see my blog) but today I´m very tired, got up at 4 again......
Willow, I second that.
Cris, oh dear. Being forced to eat foods as children is so traumatic. Mom forced me to eat cold mashed potatoes once in order to "clean my plate." "You will sit there until you finish it," she said. I still love potatoes but do not love forcing people to eat food, young or old.
Oh Patti, you dont sound know it all. I love learning new things and now I have. You're just smart!! You know i love it when folks share bits of knowledge and information. Nowadays, when I ask questions in real life, I often get the answer to look it up on the web. Instead of sharing what we know, we send people to a computer. Yes, it is great to look things up on the web. But there is more to verbal sharing that just the passing of information. There is the friendliness of it, the exchange of what i know and what you know. And so forth. So thanks!
Marianne, so glad the workshop went well. Hurrah. I did buy the pie crust frozen but made the pie although from canned pumpkin. A few times in my life i have made them from real pumpkins cut up and cooked.
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