Here's a little accordian book I made last week.

I glued up some covers to make more of this style, a little bigger.

Am also working on the foam core triptych. I showed tentative layouts for these last week but they have changed greatly. Those are Cris' violas.

Working on foam core is so different from working on canvas. Less giving. One fun aspect is you can cut windows in the foam core as I did here. The area with the feather.

I'm not sure if I will put words on these or not. Or maybe the titles will say it all. None are finished.
One picture is even more beautiful than the next......
Love al these beautiful things!
The little book is gorgeous!
The violets!
And you lovely papers! It is a treat for my eyes!
Oh lovely things here. and Cris' Violas look lovely here too. :))
I knew you would find uses for them. I almost sent you some bird feathers too but thought you had some prettier feathers there and walla you do.. what bird is that off of? I love it's colors.
These are just gorgeous! Someday I want to learn how to do this!
how beautiful. love the accrodion book. some day i want to come and visit and see how you do them! thanks for all your wishes for the wedding...i had to go lie down in a dark room after that marathon, it took me days!!!
What beautiful color and textures, your little books are real treasures!
Love that top one Suki,,and I'll bet Cris's violas are fun to work with. All so colorful & beautiful!
Also loved the photo of your Bob Dylan milkweed pods.
Well, I couldnt help noticing that the newspaper behind all the BEAUTIFUL ART and it is BEAUTIFUL, is the Personals page full of men seeking women and women seeking men! Are you LOOKING? FINDING? Anything interesting there? Just wondering...good luck if you are.
The top book really got my attention, after the Personals, and I like the cut out leaf and the spirals on the white paper/board? Lovely all.
I love these, Suki. They are coming along quite nicely.
Thanks Natalya.
Marianne, thanks a lot.
Cris, your viola's were great. I love bird feathers. The one shown here is not one I found. I was among my friend S.'s collection after she died and a friend passed it on to me. I don't know where S. found it. I have never seen one like it.
Teri, not sure if you mean bind books or make collages but I learned both from reading books.
Soulbrush, your wedding post was so involved and intricate, with so many pictures and so forth, I knew it must have taken forever to put together. It was marvelous fun and I am sure the two wedding cacti were pleased as punch to be the center of so much attention!! You are so clever.....:)
Lynette, I love to bind books. It is very calming and meditative. I can only do a few simple styles.
Hey Babs, only you would make note of the Bob dylan reference!!! The filaments on the milkweed are so beautiful, I cant capture it with my little camera. thanks for your comments on my collages.
Lynn, only after i took the photo did i realize what was behind it. Goodness no. That's just some random newspaper I used to protect the table. Of course, those of a psychological bent might ask: was it really RANDOM or does it hold some deeper meaning. You know, like a Freudian slip. Only you would notice this, Miss shape eyed Lynn.:)
Thanks for you comments on my books and collage.
thanks Katie Jane.
I love that little book :-).
You have been very busy making beautiful things...
Suki, love these things, especially the little accordion book and the last collage, love the colours here, like landscape,
thanks Annie. NOt as busy as I feel I "should" be though.
Thanks Andrea. I appreciate your comments. Have a great time in Germany.
these are awesome!
thanks Mary
I like these suki.
The foam core lets you carve and cut through it adding more dimension. Nice textures and your sensitivity to color always shows beautifully.
Suki, These three foam core pieces are different from the previous layout...I like the use of violas and cutting the window...great! They are beautiful...soft texture and color! So, will you use foam core again?
Chewy, thank you. "Your sensitivity to color." Wow. I feel so touched to read those words. You are kind.
Blue Sky, at first I thought not re: using the foam core. However, as I proceeded and added texture using my modeling paste (but when it runs out I'll get joint compound) I came to really like this esp the ability to cut out niches. And also to use smaller foam core pieces to build up shapes which I havent done here. So, yes I will continue to experiment with it.
You observed that these are different from my "mock up" layouts and that is so true. I start out with an idea, however I often work things out as I am gluing and painting and things change drastically. that is one reason I thought the foam core wouldnt work, as I like to paint many layers of colors and change things a lot. However, now I do think I can do this.
PS I already have an idea for the next "series."
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